Monday, December 21, 2009


Done with exams this year and now enjoying a short break for Christmas. I attended several parties already and one of which was with the ACPW para-legal team. The team is involved in prison ministry where the student volunteers gather court records of the inmates to make a profile out of it as an initial step to a more meticulous study of the cases in search of possibilities for releases from confinement.

It is always a blessing to meet people with a heart to devote their time and energy for others who may be strangers to them. Judge Quitain told us that our engagement in said ministry blessed us more for we are readily provided with an avenue where to pour out the gifts we lavishly received form on high but his request pinched my heart for I didn't expect he'll ask for it. Judge pleaded us not to leave them in the works we are all in.

While I am glad that Christ promised us that He will never leave us nor forsake us I cannot help at times to ponder upon the pain Jesus felt at the cross when He cried out "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?". My sin, our sins not only nailed Him to death but also caused the greatest pain in His life which was to be separated from the Father because God is holy and He cannot dwell in sin.

For 7 years now that at least 3x/year I have to say "see you again" to my family and friends when I have to leave GenSan for studies and you know what, I never get immuned of the "ouch of goodbyes" and I guess will never be. What keeps me hopeful is Jesus' promise that someday ALL who received His forgiveness shall be with Him in heaven for eternity.

So I guess i have to keep on praying for discipline in my studies that I can fully accommodate the wonderful opportunities may come where God can use me as His instrument in channeling His love and blessings. Lord uphold your workers and keep us closer to You for we do not need time but love as we know You are love.