Tuesday, July 20, 2010


my kuya's gray shirt----the love was not like his hair

on sticks, with straw or kinamot, eating was fun with u
walked me to my dorm after a kuya talk
had known me from tips to toes but not my short-lived love

regarded me dearest and pure
a sis and no more
kuya, twas the best after all

left to find affirmation
cried like an orphan,
replaced by another-wrong affection

with distance and time wrapped in grace
God spoke and heal
start anew

congee is like chico but don't worry
not to tease or assume is rambutan to me :)
pledging to love "just I" and they

happy to see your stat--IaR
cheer! cause u taught me well bro
may God bless you and your better half

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Calendar of Faithfuness

24 Prac Court
31 Prac Court
31 Consti I
10 Persons
17 Elections
27 LabStand
6 Crim I
13 Labrel
23 Succession
30 PubCorp
7 Admin
16 Property
23 Consti I
30 Crim 2
6 Labrel
13 Crim2

dates may change but He keeps His
shared industry and grace poured lavishly
enough to keep the heart at peace

no marks to add on the list
with prepation beyond personal ability
a line with no twist to see

reap glory my King
from the works of Your hand
humble more Your servant