One needs to be a sinner before he can be saved from hell and i think everybody is qualified. Sadly, many preachers rarely touch the issue on sin because they are afraid to offend people or shall i say-- they are trying to please people. Sin, repentance, and salvation are inseparable that the absence of one makes the rest meaningless.
The trend now is tolerance where the intolerant occupies the bottommost spot. There is a problem in that concept for if it is true then the "intolerant" will not exist because "tolerance" should accept it as such. it is like saying that "words have no meaning therefore they cannot hurt anyone" -- if words have no meaning then the statement itself is senseless for its usage of "words". Illogical, what else could they be? Far from the truth, far from the Lord who is the source of all knowledge and wisdom. Failure to teach sin and repentance along with salvation is an empty message.
Teaching God's word becomes difficult when man tries to alter the direct message to keep it "politically correct". Maybe the fact that Jesus taught more about hell than about heaven has been forgotten. Actually He forgave first the sins of the lame man before He healed him. Moses lost everyting in the wilderness to fulfill his calling. Paul paralleled self-righteousness to filthy rags when God's holiness is the standard. King David is the man after God's own heart because David has a repented heart.
When man heeds God's word it shall be revealed to him the condition of his heart and if he recognizes the working of the Holy Spirit then he will be on his knees afterwards. Recognition of sin is humility. Repentance is acknowledging that God is right if we are wrong and we ask for His forgiveness.
while we continue to repent of our sins to keep right with God, salvation is a single occassion in a man's life (if genuine) that would last for eternity.as christians, we do not "work for" our salvation but we "work it out" just like how physical exercises keep the body in shape. the body needs physical food and exercise to keep it strong and healthy. the spirit likewise needs spiritual food through God's word and exercise by living it out to keep it fit before God.
On the cross Jesus said, "it is finished". If salvation could be earned through good deeds then His coming will be in naught. The Ten commandments while presented as a good and godly list, it shows more how frail man could be in keeping the law and how hopeless he could be in meeting God's standard which is perfection. Sin is missing the bull's eye. God is holy holy holy therefore man in his sinfulness cannot dwell with him. However, God is love and He loves His creation unconditionally.With that love, God became a man, dwelt among His people, lived perfectly and died to redeem men from going to hell.
God does not force His love to anyone. Love is a choice. the freedom of man to choose God over sin is a gesture of love towards God. a love mutually-shared is the happiest thought. the heavens celebrate when one sinner repents and receives Christ as His personal Savior and God while to God it is His most-awaited love confession from man.
How can we not love God when His goodness never departed us since our conception OR since He thought of creating man?
CHRISTMAS is about God and His love for man. May all accept the greatest gift of all ;)-- wa juy magmahay nga nihigugma sya sa Ginoo.
Emmanuel Has Come
by: don moen
Christmas is about His glory
Christmas is about His grace
Christmas is a gift of love
Our father gave us
More than just another story
About a special time and place
Christmas is a time to lift
A song of praise
For God with us
And we celebrate
The glory of His presence
Christ has come
To fill our hearts with love
He came to save us
King of kings and Lord of lords
His Name is Jesus
God with us
Emmanuel has come
Angels fill the night with singing
God is reaching out to man
Bringing us a gift of hope
In Christ the Saviour
More than just a time of giving
This is God’s eternal plan
And Christmas is the reason
We can sing again