Saturday, July 30, 2011


Shakespeare’s heart is love at its pinnacle. Top love is not limited to twinkling eyes but more parallel with good habits or healthy addiction. A practice of giving one’s best in all his endeavors gives flesh to that love. And its bones, seeing beauty despite the speck in our eyes called death or debt.

What is to love about people stricken with Down syndrome? too many to tell for someone who uses the eyes of the heart. What are the thorns of the roses for? Protection as true lovers have noted. Mountains and rivers are but a few steps away when a soul finds its mate. Shelves of books are hunted delicacies to bookworms. A medal would always be gold to the person putting it over to the achiever.

Recognition, applause, plaques, smiles, wealth, friends, and even health manifest that laziness made no room. Putting depth or wits and seasoning a passion with art and science would establish it strong as the Great Wall and lasting as Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare’s heart therefore is doing things with compassion and utmost regard to the Creator knowing fully that with God nothing is impossible and in His time all things will be beautiful. Mediocrity and complacency have no roles to play in the life story of a person pursuing to be a legend.

Let this be a rule, one should dream big and let Jesus take the lead for it will be perfect in God’s eyes though not necessarily to man’s poor standards. John Ortberg said “what we refer to as misery is only the underside of God’s breath-taking tapestry”. The pure heart where true love dwells is a heart coated with humility crediting all to God’s glory and is in a man who lives life to the fullest and wasting none of his God-given gifts.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

noted for the bar

1. 5Ls Law, Logic, Language, Love and Lord
Reading law books and reviewers does not make you logical.
2. Prepare several alarm clocks the night before the exam.
3. A wall clock is allowed during the exam
4. ONE POLICY: master one textbook and one reviewer
5. Bar review is not the time to fall in or fall out of love