Wednesday, July 29, 2015


At that time Jesus said, “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children.” Matthew 11:25
There are two ways you can miss the truth of something—being entirely ignorant of it and being so familiar with it that you overlook the obvious. I’ve been thinking of that in relationship to what Jesus said about little children and the kingdom of heaven. When the followers of Jesus were sparring with each other over the issue of who was going to sit on his right—you know, first lieutenant–He took a little child, sat the child on his lap, and said unless you become like one of these little children, you will not see the kingdom of God.
On another occasion Jesus prayed thanking God that He had hidden truths from the wise and educated and had revealed them unto children (Matthew 11:25). OK, then what was Jesus trying to teach? Simply put, take a look at a child. Observe his simplicity, his faith, his credulity, his freedom from hypocrisy, his insusceptibility to class or race distinction, and you are getting close to the answer.
Ponder these observations for a few brief moments and ask yourself, “Am I like that?”
Observation #1: Kids are unconcerned with rank or status. Watch two kids on the playground—one from the inner city with ragged clothes and the other with the latest fashion clothes and expensive Nikes. They begin to shoot hoops on the basketball court and they couldn’t care less what their dads do or how much money they make. I’ve watched kids from undeveloped countries play with tin cans and home made dolls with unaffected glee. They didn’t know that if the gift didn’t come shrink wrapped with a price tag attached, it couldn’t bring pleasure.
Observation #2: Kids are credulous and quick to believe. Lacking is skepticism and unbelief. They haven’t been soured by negativism. Tell a child that you will do something, and he expects you to come through. There’s nothing that you can’t do. You’re his daddy. He applies that same simple faith to God, too.
Never will I forget the time that my daughter, then about 4, had a hamster who disappeared! After a week, I had all but given up on Angel, but not Nancy. “Daddy,” let’s pray that Angel will come home,” she asked. So we knelt by the side of the bed and prayed. Frankly, I hesitated. I was quite certain that the cat and the hamster had had an encounter of the wrong kind, but no sooner had we prayed than the little hamster came crawling out from under a piece of furniture. Ah, for the faith of a little child.
Observation #3: Kids take things at face value. Want to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, then take what Jesus Christ said at face value without trying to redefine or dodge His words. Kids have a habit of saying exactly what they think— for better or worse, no matter whether it embarrasses, wounds, or heals. Rarely is there hidden intent. Their words are free from sarcasm and double meanings. They just say what they are thinking.
Observation #4: Kids have a sense of humor. As we grow older, we quickly lose the simplicity of a child and rank ourselves by class, education, gender, status, and race, but chiefly we lose our sense of humor that allows us to laugh freely at ourselves along with others.
Observation #5: Notice that kids know how to party and have fun. With fascination I watch little children having “tea” with bottle caps or make-believes cups, using leaves or pieces of about anything for sandwiches or cookies.
Time’s gone on today’s edition of Guidelines. Take a lingering look at children and realize they were the number one objects Jesus used to teach us what we’ve got to do to enter the kingdom of heaven. God grant we can be as little children.
Resource reading: Luke 10


It is not for me yet
Interest is not what is lacking
But the certainty to keep on

To let it sleep
To let it go
Either is best for now

Walking away is inviting
Onward far from it
No more till then

The walls are high
The guards are set
Not a battle, it is sanity

Thursday, July 16, 2015


To give my testimony/inspirational talk about God in my life/ God in my work.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

what a sweet reminder :-)

July 12
Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers ...
2 Corinthians 6:14

‘I want to be big-hearted and open-minded, so I’m going to marry her, or develop a business partnership with him even though he or she isn’t a believer.’

‘Wait a minute,’ says Paul. ‘Don’t misunderstand. Be big towards your brothers and sisters in the Lord. But be careful you don’t err by being yoked in partnership or relationship with an unbeliever.’

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. Matthew 11:28-30

The Greek word translated ‘easy’ means ‘good fit’. Because an ill-fitting yoke would cause chafing of the hide or even a dislocation of the animal’s shoulder, yokes were custom-designed to ensure a perfect fit. No doubt Jesus knew whereof He spoke in using this analogy, for the Greek word translated ‘carpenter’, used concerning Joseph and, by implication, Jesus, is ‘tekton’, from which we get our word ‘technical’. The ‘tekton’ was not the framer, but rather the finish carpenter, a master craftsman. Jesus and His father, Joseph, were master craftsmen. Thus, there is historical evidence to support the tradition that the specialty in their carpenter shop was yokes.

‘Take My yoke upon you,’ Jesus says. ‘It will fit you perfectly and the load you’re pulling will become light as you link with Me.’


Please fill us with Your spirit Lord that we may exercise self-control over our unruly passions and desires and that our actions would be consistent with our talk and Your leading.

Take care always of the new family You counted me in. Take charge always of my wants and needs and LORD have Your way.

oh these eye bags could not hide the happiness i feel inside. I will surely strive more to lose that I will look better.:-) You are fit while I am fat hahaha Kidding aside, I really love your heart to serve the Lord and it is a blessing like no other that your whole family too are committed to the same calling.

Thursday, July 9, 2015


A good friend of mine invited me to join Bless Our Cops. It is a body which is committed to support the PNP in its goal to bring transformation in the organization. The main pursuit of BOC is anchored in:
1 Timothy 2:1-2
Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men,  for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.

In a simple presentation, the passage denotes:
we must pray, intercede and be thankful
All men
All who are in authority
that they may lead us a quiet and peaceable life
in ALL godliness and reverence

Last Monday, July 6, 2015 was my first time to join their prayer meeting. It was in the conference room at the camp and I was blessed to see CD and several COPs of the different stations joining. I heard from these COPs how grateful they are for the efforts of the volunteers to regularly visit their respective stations to pray over them including the inmates. Coffee and bread go along with the visits. God's word is also shared to officers specially for those who failed to go to church on Sundays because the were on duty. These were all done voluntarily :-) 

To be accountable over someone's spiritual journey is not only good but a commendable act of obedience to God's commandments. 

May more people come to join said prayer meeting and may God continue renewing the minds of these police officers.