Saturday, December 26, 2015

naman! hehe

You were forgiven and our love forgotten
Today,  I attended a wedding
When I closed my eyes, I saw you standing at the end of the isle,
Now that's confusing, 
Maybe then, I can love you again

Monday, December 21, 2015

Even if you left i still hope for your best

Things rolled quickly in three months
From strangers to lovers with sweet promises
Most grateful how your character molded to better

You left and that is all there
One year from that memorable day makes me wonder,
Have you become the man I prayed you to be?

One who seeks the Lord with all his heart and soul,
Leads and cares the tropa with God's guidance,
Building a good reputation among all he encounters

Smile and joy not leaving his face
Oh, he can play a number of christian songs with his guitar
and all will sing along

He could have adjusted already to the circles I belong
Several occasions we could have attended together
It could have been amazing, him also serving the Lord

Settling down in 2016 is not far possible if he did not leave
The redness of his lips would have been restored I believe
So many wonderful things you chose to let go which I accepted

Though there is no more chances for  US they say
Still, this I pray
You become the man after His own heart, my dear