Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Greatest Fear

To lose my faith in God had always been my greatest fear while today i perceived the second greatest fear of mine that is to see the one who i used to love eye to eye and realize that I still love him and confirm that I mean nothing to him. I heretofore resolve that in all our next meetings, I would do what I did today, I will only see his shadows but never his soul. I just have to look away and I will be fine.

The heart can choose to love,
And it can choose to let go,
The heart forgets when thine eyes are close.

Friday, May 20, 2016

no more

who i thought would be my next inspiration is now taken
i have decided that i will have no crushes again
not unless he is courting me and he is a potential lifetime mate
for now, no more crushes, no more ideal men
just praying, plain prayers to be found

to the one i used to love, my first love in fact
i am sending out all signs inviting you to come back
call it selfish but this is my way of fighting hard what we had
if you will not remember my name then you would not remember our love
this is the last year that I will wait for you cause when I close the door, there is no more

Thursday, April 28, 2016


who i thought would be my new love fell for someone else
he is now free but he has to take the healing path first
I hope he would not be fearful to try one more time

i limit not my options but he is my ideal one
there is no doubt that he submits to our dear Lord
he may be rough being a man in uniform but definitely gentle within

i observed changes in what he does and thinks
the stupidity resulting from an aching heart
heal him oh God, make him whole again

Saturday, February 13, 2016

I saw you

Last Friday around 730 a.m. at Petron near Bulaong terminal while we gas up for our long drive bound to Kiamba, I saw a chow chow popping out its head outside the window car, what a cute dog I said and I remember Patchie then I was struck with a realization that I continued staring at the car---it was silver and horror dawned on me sighting the whole structure of the car, EXTRA-FAMILIAR until I set my eyes on the driver. 

As told though unsolicited, Patchie died but a new came forth named Pitchie.  Should I close my eyes always to miss this kind of encounters and reminders?

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

white hanky

white signifies purity
a hanky of this shade easily gets stained,
it cleanses a dirty surface
but after a good wash it can always be white again 

it is no sign of surrender
rather a comeback invitation
take it or miss it
make your choice but leave no mess

there is no way i will fight for it
not when i am alone
love is for two
love that is real and true

#When it rains, it pours

That's how we express the tireless paperwork we immerse ourselves into most of the time. We may have idle days but it is not because we have nothing to do but we have ample time before the deadline strikes. However, more often than not we are asked to prepare papers in less than a week and would spend hours in labeling the files on the case folder before we focus on the texts.

I asked permission from my boss to attend an extra-office activity which he usually allows me to go without limitation but yesterday he emphasized that I could not out more than half day. I understand it was so because he gave me and Cha an overwhelming workload today which are all bound due to the Court of Appeals before February. Industrious us have to bring home the case folders and make our bedrooms as the the extension of our office.

This is just for a season and would not be so in the next few years. Tiis ganda lang kasi mi boss and all the efforts are worth doing because they are geared towards being of help to another, THE CLIENTS.

busybusyhan lang tutal wala naman love life hahaha pero mag meron eh ikareer din este ibalance :-)