Thursday, September 20, 2018


i spent years in prayer for love to find its home in my heart,
the waiting was long that the desire faded,
getting cold in romance came in season after season,
then came you

you who is not necessarily approved by some who care about me,
you who is not free of yesterday's mistakes,
you who is dragged by your past,
yet, it is you who God gave me

with love from up above, i see you as you are
with heavenly mercy, none of your past i cannot accept
with grace I learned from God, there is hope of "us"
with God, there's a beautiful "us" and a strong "us" to last

tomorrow is not promised to anyone
but if there is, it is my prayer is for God to sustain "us"
we are both imperfect yet deeply loved by Christ
may God and His will keep "us" growing in love

i am not crazy in love,
what i have is a clear decision and conviction to love you
it is my deepest desire though all will come into place,
that our families, friends and other relationships will celebrate too and
pray our "us"

we may be facing challenges yet we shall not let them overcome us

Thursday, July 19, 2018


what i thought a chance of love that will last a lifetime,
it ended just like that
while i am the one who initiated the break-up,
it feels like you were just waiting for the proposal

i am once again picking myself from being torn apart
and i am being blamed for its failure to work
why it always have to be me and me alone
when it takes two to tango

so the poem writing begins
in lines and words i can pour my heart out
i'll keep on until the bleeding stops
it is not that i do not love anymore but i cannot continue when hope is out of grasp

Friday, June 15, 2018

It is not basic

How am is supposed to tell him that i am more scared than happy?
How can he know that with him my flesh soars but my spirit sinks to the bottom?
I cannot dwell in a relationship that draws me away from God.
I cannot keep a commitment that makes my soul weary because sin.

When loving God for him is basic, its everything for me;
When he has foundation only, I have built a tower of it;
How he could not see that he is pulling me down?
Maybe because he does not what true love is

True love is founded on God;
True love is drawn from God;
True love is nourished by God;
True love seeks God first and God has the last word.