no matter how tight my schedule will be this semester, I will not set aside meeting with the Bible Study (BS for brevity) Group specially when I commit to teach :) This calling was affirmed when i read Jeremiah 20:9 (NKJV)
Then I said, “I will not make mention of Him,
Nor speak anymore in His name.”
But His word was in my heart like a burning fire
Shut up in my bones;
I was weary of holding it back,
And I could not.
I cannot ignore the natural tug and peaceably sail through the seas of my other concerns for when i do, the storm in me will surely strike my focus and make me less productive on those which i prioritized over the clear instruction from the Lord to meet and share His word. I remember Jonah staying inside the "fishy belly" for three days when he tried to run away from what God has asked him to do and i think I'll find myself in the same situation whenever i entertain the thought of postponing the BS to have more time to study for school. It does not feel right to procrastinate specially when you know James 4:17 NKJV)
Therefore, to him who knows to do good
and does not do it, to him it is sin.
I believe it is best to treat the BS as a two unit subject that it will be accorded ample time and attention. What I and my BS mates should keep in mind is that the BS is for our own benefit and pleasure:
1.) the Lord is blessed when His children gather to learn from Him
2.) we are energized whenever we hear victories over temptations and trials
3.) we have constant friends to laugh with or even cry with
4.) we can lend ear to the one struggling and extend comfort to him
5.) we play, sing and EAT together (thanks to ate Nat's house where we gather)
6.) one of them could be your companion to go malling and jogging (mine is Faith Go)
7.) we corporately pray for our friends, churches, family, teacher, gov't and school
8.) we are connected by a bond established by God and nourished by the Spirit
9.) we also share law school notes :) -thanks ate jazzie, dana, marian, gia, janey
10.) we encourage one another to practice faithfulness, love, mercy and grace
We are going through the book of James which is a very practical book written by the half-brother of Jesus. Taking the verses piece by piece, going pretty "slow" that we have covered upto chapter 3 only since the start of the semester and the following are those we emphasized in our study:
1. In chapter 1 we learned that trials are necessary to our maturity like fire in purifying gold but when we face them God said that we can ask wisdom from Him that He freely gives without reproach. Also in this chapter that we are reminded of the ROYAL LAW (love your neighbor as yourself) and warned as well that sin leads to death.
2. Further in chapter 1, James exhorted the believers to be doers of the word and not merely listeners thereof for it is foolish to remain dormant after knowing what is good and bad. He also said that our wrath does not produce God's rightheousness therefor we should be slow to anger and abound in grace.
3. Chapter 2 dissuaded favoritism or prejudice in the treatment of a brother and called our attention again that our deeds are evidences of our faith.
4. However, James said in the 3rd chapter that while we should be doers of the word it does not mean that we should pay less attention to our speech because words have the power to heal or destroy. Indeed the wild has been tamed by men but we never succeeded in taming our tongues that is why we should constantly ask God to season our words with salt and grace that it may bring healing and not curse. Coming with the right words to say requires a conscious effort unlike with malicious imputations where there is no need to try because it is our natural bend. Not listening to gossips is better than simply withholding your personal opinion while on ears to the source.
I have more to share but for lack of material time I will stop here. I love the idea that even if i will not be a pastor's wife, God can use me to share His word.
God bless you my readers.
All glory and honor be unto our faithful Lord :) happy shalala
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