Tuesday, March 27, 2012

hold the strings

keep floating our boats when the storm comes
be our oasis when this walk becomes so dry
let the wind extend your embrace
when despair seeps through our doubting souls

Lord, thank you for the heavens
They proclaim your majesty
May we hang in Your good will like the stars do
Not taking control, letting You hold the strings

In Jesus name let our faith grow strong
Bring down heavenly victories over our trying in the flesh
How awesome You are Lord and grand are Your ways
Let this life surrender all

Friday, February 17, 2012

More Love

who has received a medal today?
i believe twas the poor in spirit girl
no more marching around seven times
just let your knees kiss the ground

it should be His guidance echoing
not the foolish heart dictating
rubbish overcoming tactics
i'm glad whispering "help" suffices

discerning is having peace on your side
loving is nourishing joy and obedience
not an easy road to track
but His grace abounds more than the challenge

Lord ikaw na jud ang the best :) Let Your spirit rule over my passions :)

Saturday, February 11, 2012

When I am not reading

to keep focused in my studies, i disabled my VUZE and deactivated several times my FB account but it does not mean that life's joy and color faded. the reward to reap later warms my heart to stay consistent but human as i am, i fail and the following are what i do when i am not reading (detox,laziness, plainly unnecessary)

1.) my favorite junk is oversleeping :)
2.) videoke in youtube
3.) read inspirational books
4.) shop around alone
5.) go to OMF or PCBS to hunt and scan
6.) blogging, texting, fb and "worrying"
7.) watch a movie

my extra-curricular engagements are not limited in the above list which only included the needless things for i also spend hours listening to Jon Courson, reading Chuck Smith's commentaries, mastering christian songs and chatting with my siblings which i account as essential in exercising love.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Guidelines 101.1 by Harold Sala


But from everlasting to everlasting the LORD'S love is with those who fear him, and his righteousness with their children's children.
Psalm 103:17

When you were born, William, as the first grandchild, I made a vow before God that I would be the best grandpa I knew how to be. That was more than 20 years ago, and over the years I have rejoiced over the birth of each of you who now calls me grandfather. I'm planning on seeing all of you finish college and some day marrying someone who reflects your integrity and values; but if, for whatever reason, should I not be there, I want you to know there are seven things I desire for you--things that only you can do.

Desire #1: Always walk with your face pointed towards heaven.

I'm not satisfied for you to just "know who Jesus is and call yourself a Christian," but to be fully committed to Him. If Jesus is God (and He is), then give Him 100%. You've come from a long line of men and women who believe God and are committed to Jesus Christ. But God has no grandchildren. I know you are all on the right path—stay with it.

Desire #2: Know right from wrong and choose the right.

Sure, we all make mistakes, but don't make the same ones twice. Learn from your mistakes. You've grown up in Christian homes, but the time is going to come when you've got to choose for yourself. Two simple words, "Do right!" are powerful. Ask yourself, "What's the right thing to do?" then be brave enough to choose the right thing, no matter how unpopular or how difficult it may be.

Desire #3: Be tough enough to stand alone.

It's never easy to be different, but the time comes eventually when you have to draw a line and say, "Look, I can't do that." Choose your friends wisely because they influence you. But never forget, "It's OK to be different, to march to the beat of a different drummer.”

Desire #4: Find out what God says about issues, and then consider the issue settled.

I know you have already settled the issue that the Bible is the Word of God. Memorize it, and let it be your guide as it has been for your parents, for us, and our parents before us. Read it each day, memorize it, and it will give you guidance and light.

Desire #5: Choose your marriage partners carefully.

Life is a long time, and I believe God has a special person for each of you. Trust Him. Don't just marry another person "who is a Christian," but marry someone who shares your values, your commitment, and your determination to make your marriage work. Don't be in a hurry to marry, and until you find the right one, keep yourself pure. What God asks you to do, He will help you to accomplish.

Desire #6: Find God's will for your life and make your life count for Him.

Yes, I hope you will always be involved serving the King. Nothing pleases me more than to see you involved in His work now! Keep it up!

Desire #7: Never forget who you are.

Each of you is different and your gifts and talents are unique. You're one of a kind, God's masterpiece, and you're a chip off the old block. Never forget, you are God's child and lift your head high. You are cut out of good stuff—tough stuff, too. That great cloud of witnesses Hebrews talks about may well include our great grandparents--perhaps, me too, someday, and we'll all be cheering for you. Keep walking in our tracks.

Resource reading: Psalm 103