Saturday, February 11, 2012

When I am not reading

to keep focused in my studies, i disabled my VUZE and deactivated several times my FB account but it does not mean that life's joy and color faded. the reward to reap later warms my heart to stay consistent but human as i am, i fail and the following are what i do when i am not reading (detox,laziness, plainly unnecessary)

1.) my favorite junk is oversleeping :)
2.) videoke in youtube
3.) read inspirational books
4.) shop around alone
5.) go to OMF or PCBS to hunt and scan
6.) blogging, texting, fb and "worrying"
7.) watch a movie

my extra-curricular engagements are not limited in the above list which only included the needless things for i also spend hours listening to Jon Courson, reading Chuck Smith's commentaries, mastering christian songs and chatting with my siblings which i account as essential in exercising love.

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