A season to mature in faith under His mercy and Grace :)
Who would ever guessed my journey to be a lawyer would take this long?
Just a thought of my law school years would immediately wet my eyes, all those unnecessary worries and sacrifices broke my heart and back. The load was too burdensome because I lifted it on my own. I prayed and i prayed a lot, as much of my water intake but total surrender remained an option over sometime. There were days that i missed reading the bible because i need to rush, instead of focusing on God, i fixed my eyes on the piled "to-reads", the unbearable yoke.
By God's grace, I finished the course but stress made my tummmy acidic. To avoid reflux, i slowed down during review. The set readings were covered but i lacked mastery, the consequence, i failed the Bar exam. You are right, twas my fault, my bad.... Really? OF COURSE NOT, I mean yeah,human factor can influence/modify the outcome but if a person believes that God is in control then there is a deeper reason why such failures were allowed.
Honestly, i have every tendency to become proud. I work hard to be marked as witty. A good character is ideal but I believe intelligence makes one suave. It does not sound right to be kind but dumb. However, with that we cannot make any conclusion because there are other variables that affect one's disposition. As for me, education contributes well in developing good behavior but it is the LORD who brings out the best in us. Flunking the bar is a good reminder to stay humble.
The Bar waits for me, I would become a lawyer soon and the comforting thought is, I don't know how but I believe He can make me one.
For every "bad" experience that taught me a value and for the victories thereafter, all credits belong to the Lord. The above-mentioned pursuits still matter but growth in a loving a relationship with Jesus is of priority. My desires and life standards now revolve and are based to what the bible sets. These unceasing joy, hope, strength, faith, love, mercy, friends, family, aspirations, conduct, and etc are present and on-going because once in my life I FELL iN LOVE WITH JESUS who first loved me.
All will come into place All because He loves us.
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