Saturday, July 20, 2013


with all the readings that i had, have and would have, being complicated in thinking is justified, isn't it? a better description is critical. Teaching children in Sunday school is not easy but very interesting. A few minutes is enough to read 2 chapters in the Bible but couching it into toddler's/kids language is a mile-walk at noon without umbrella. Far from complaining, in fact, I've realized that I really love it (simplifying facts to chewy stories without sacrificing the truth) and that i will definitely include it in my after-the-bar commitments. Seeing kids nod for yes-answered questions, hearing them thank God for a new shirt, beautiful teacher (me?), provision (food), good health, snacks, coloring and cutting crafts and memorizing MV feed my heart with heavenly treasures.

In Genesis, we learned that: there is nothing on earth that God did not create; there were two special trees in the middle of Eden, the serpent and its trickery, Adam and Eve's foolishness to wear itchy-leafy clothes resulting to the first sacrifice in history (leather to cover men's nakedness); Cain's vain efforts versus Abel's obedience; Seth was Enoch's great grandfather; Enoch is a picture of the rapture (did not share that, too meaty for the young minds); what a disfavor for the Lord to see people sin that He regretted making man but in that wicked generation, Noah just like his dad found favor before God because he walked with him; the century-in-the-making-ARK housed mr. and mrs. animals
,40 nights and 40 days it rained, the Big boat measured 300x50x30 cubits) rested in the mountains of be continued tomorrow July 21, 2013.....

With perseverance, the snail reached the Ark.
-Charles Spurgeon

this was taken a month ago, i think 5 were not included in the picture (you know kids). two weeks ago, Ben and Alisha from Idaho came to join us in fellowship with their 5 fruits. Cute Caucasian kids, blue eyes :) I hope everybody will show up tomorrow for the rainbow, in Jesus name.

i set Dux's rainbow as my covenant to improve this post in November :)

God bless u all.

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...
praying and excited to have my nephews and nieces as my students soon :)

looks like he is about to cry
that is his normal expression
it is with the shape of his eyes
and the bright sun

the last four pics were taken last Sunday, July 21 :)

Though not with water anymore but God will surely destroy this world, we should therefore embrace God's saving grace through faith in Christ Jesus. John 3:16

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