Friday, January 10, 2014

gazing at the stars

Only on Sundays that i take time to go somewhere but the office and our house. When i'm in malls, gee, for months i did not bump on anyone familiar,no acquaintance and it'd be a dream if it is a close friend. It seems that my hometown is now a foreign land. If they are not in Manila, Cebu or Davao, my popcorn-buddies are now on the other side of the planet--- that distance goes in the way for a lifetime. Therefore, I'm bound to search for people to fill my phonebook and I'm hunting a number of them :) Adding people to my life is yummy hmmm.

i wonder what challenges are coming my way this year, what i'm sure of, they will dig out my top Qs hahaha i hope not QUEST. honestly, the last 2 months left my brain empty which logic evaluates it being unprepared for anything good or bad which i don't care at all.---------------will continue this later

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Ought To Behold

pic taken from

a sea of dreams anyone can dive
in the ocean of searching,
a pearl is there to find

back in the land, reality bites
emotions processed like machines
everything's uniform, nothing's unique

in the orchestra of relationships
some are fine tunes, some are deafening
notes that could break or heal

know the truth from up above
reboot crooked perspectives
let love connect the dots

only the Master can be trusted with such
He knows when to cross paths
and when to tie the knot

as grace unfolds the best
your role: win it and nourish it- --there
savour the sweet fruits of prayer, patience and diligence