Friday, January 10, 2014

gazing at the stars

Only on Sundays that i take time to go somewhere but the office and our house. When i'm in malls, gee, for months i did not bump on anyone familiar,no acquaintance and it'd be a dream if it is a close friend. It seems that my hometown is now a foreign land. If they are not in Manila, Cebu or Davao, my popcorn-buddies are now on the other side of the planet--- that distance goes in the way for a lifetime. Therefore, I'm bound to search for people to fill my phonebook and I'm hunting a number of them :) Adding people to my life is yummy hmmm.

i wonder what challenges are coming my way this year, what i'm sure of, they will dig out my top Qs hahaha i hope not QUEST. honestly, the last 2 months left my brain empty which logic evaluates it being unprepared for anything good or bad which i don't care at all.---------------will continue this later

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