Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Active Childhood

While growing up, due to age gap, my brothers and not my sisters were my playmates.

i'm sleepy, i will write about the games i played and enjoyed during my childhood LATER. some are those found in the pic.
those that are not in the pic are: spider wrestling, syato, top, flip the card, hide and seek, bahay-bahayan, soccer using lawn tennis ball, bagoongay, lupa langit

i also intend to share my insights on these topics

2. Yeliz
3. IBS
4. My Brother's Wedding
5. What is a Good Friend?
6. Faith Fundamentals
7. Why say sorry?
8. Leaning on His Breast
10. My Playlist

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Wherever, Whatever, Whenever

when you don't see what lies ahead
don't be afraid to take a step
because before you, is Jesus

when the road is clouded by uncertainties
don't let the past make you feel blue
because behind you, is Jesus

What could shake your faith?
When He will never leave you
That's a promise He gave for you to keep

Nothing hinders Him from pouring out His grace
At the cross He showed,
No one could snatch us out of His love

when the comfort you know turns into misery
don't let it break you
feel the embrace, Jesus heals and restores

when your efforts seem to be in vain
don't give up on what is good
take courage my friend, Jesus whispers

What could shake your faith?
When He will never leave you
That's a promise He gave for you to keep

Nothing hinders Him from pouring out His grace
At the cross He showed,
No one could snatch us out of His love


pic taken from WNBA.

A truckload of flowers sending scents to the streets
A ring that could feed a thousand mouths
No, they are not necessary to win my love

Don't climb the mountains for me
Don't give me a star owned by the heavens
With me, you don't need to cross the seas

Befriend me first before you confess
Marry me first before you kiss my lips
Keep God as your first, nothing you will miss

We will let God write our love story
It will be pure, coated in trust and perfect for His glory
One that is good, He will never withhold

Saturday, February 1, 2014


pic from veronikalove.com
What's Your Role? by RENOVATE

This is something I've wondered for a while now. If you haven't already noticed, it's pretty common for people to point out over and over and over that it's the man's job to take the initiative and pursue. Yet no one really talks about what the woman's job is. What do you ladies think it is?

The Maiden’s Job/Role vis-à-vis Rebekah

Genesis 24:15 that behold, Rebekah, who was born to Bethuel, son of Milcah, the wife of Nahor, Abraham’s brother, came out with her pitcher on her shoulder. 16 Now the young woman was very beautiful to behold, a virgin; no man had known her.

:45 “…there was Rebekah, coming out with her pitcher on her shoulder;…….‘Drink, and I will give your camels a drink also.’ ….‘Whose daughter are you?

:55 But her brother and her mother said, “Let the young woman stay with us a few days, at least ten; after that she may go.”

:57 So they said, “We will call the young woman and ask her personally.” 58 Then they called Rebekah and said to her, “Will you go with this man?”

And she said, “I will go.”

1. Make oneself available (and visible)
One would not be engaged in a relationship if she isolates herself. She should be sociable and must refrain from isolating herself. However, she should be with the right crowd and occasion. (definitely NOT in the club)

2. Productive when found and exhibit kindness
A bum does not have strong arms to carry a pitcher. Lazy people are not attractive at all. A Christian girl is inclined into helping others and is a good steward of her time, skill and other gifts.

3. Preserve purity
God’s temple is holy. We all know the wisdom behind upholding purity 

4. Identified to be the Lord’s daughter
The fruit reflects the essence of its Bearer. Girls should be Christ-like.

5. Decides for herself
While the family’s approval has weight in choosing a partner but our decision should be personal. It must be God’s will above all else’s mind on the matter.

If ever I would be pursued, I will be candid to him as to the real score and would do my best not to give him false hopes. I will respond according to my personal convictions anchored on my faith in Jesus. I personally believe that God would guide me on how to deal with it. For me, it is wise NEVER to assume that the guy likes (bigtime) a girl unless the guy tells her so. There’s a lot of problems arose of miscommunications or the lack of communication.

I do not want to make this very long… there is a quote that hit me when I was 19 which goes “stop searching for Mr. Right rather prepare yourself to be Ms. Right.”, our job/role therefore is to keep maturing in our faith so that we are capable of giving HOLY RESPONSES to our suitors.

P.S. Ruth in the Bible has those qualities too

Beauty Pageant

Beauty they say is in the eye of the beholder which is true if it is judging the outward. While I distaste flaunting one's beauty for it invites lust or envy on the onlooker, I will not deny that I am fond of beauty contests particularly Bb. Pilipinas and Miss Universe. I equate it to sports where there is a showdown of skills, discipline and intelligence. A game that i cannot imagine joining but a good entertainment on screen. I do not watch the whole show, I'm interested only on the Q&A portion. After all, the quote, "what is beauty if the brain is empty", sounds better than the opening statement :-) I'm a zombie, I love brains. BUT-- if I were to choose between a beauty contest or a quiz bee, i would choose--a SINGING contest of course hahaha getting disconnected now, oh well that's what music does, it makes you forget the reality or communicate reality to others. So much about music which might be my next blog topic ;D

Going back to Q&As, my blog will be about my answers to some famous beauty pageant questions.

1. What is the essence of a woman?

She is a woman because she understands her roles as intended by her Creator which are to mature in God's truth and grace while growing up, to marry only a King's son, to bear the pain of giving birth, to feed the babe through her breasts, to submit to her husband as she submits herself to the Father, to be a virtuous wife and mother and to die living a legacy of strong faith.

2. Why should the crown be put on your head?

Winning will glorify my God and will be my chance to testify to others how great He is. People will observe my life and they will see that I'm serving a faithful King. Life is about living His will which undoubtedly puts a smile on His face. Don't we all love to be happy? so is He.

3. If you could turn back time, what do you wish to change?

Nothing. If I were to correct a mistake in the past, my best opportunity is NOW. Yesterday will teach me what to do and not to do now and tomorrow. Time is part of learning. Everything happens for a reason because God is in control.

4. Who is your hero?

Dead or alive? It does not matter because He is the Alpha and the Omega. Jesus conquered death and redeemed us from eternal damnation. He is OUR hero for He died for the WORLD that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but will have eternal life.

5. If you would be a thing, what would you be?

A magnifying glass, it makes things bigger and it can create fire through the sun. I want the little things I do create great impact to the world. I want to put those cold hearts ablaze that compassion rolls into motion through the Son of God.

6. What is your greatest achievement?

Surrendering my life to the real Owner thereof. I don't want to be a thief. He commanded, "though shall not steal".

7. Would you change your religious belief for love's sake?

No, i learned love because of my religious belief and without it I cannot love at all. God is love.

DO YOU THINK I WOULD WIN A CROWN WITH THAT ANSWERS IN MIND? IT DEPENDS UPON THE JUDGE RIGHT? Speaking of reward, this is my desired crowning announcement , "well done, my good and faithful servant".

God bless u all.