Monday, September 15, 2014

the possibilty

pic of

An endearment that has found its way to throb within
How it tickles the soul seems ineluctable
This blood-pumping muscle has a mind of its own
Foolish i'd be if i will trust it to lead

This tide is not a carefree ride
When the current down below pulls harder than the wind's blow
It is a beautiful season which i hope to last long if not for a lifetime
Without compromising the very core values of what must living be

I have no name for it yet
But i'm surely praying that it'll get there crystal clear
I'm fine with waiting and starting all over again

To Him who loves me more than anyone could,
Please take me where you destined me to be
and take control of the beating of my fondness
To You, i commit all possibilities.

Friday, September 5, 2014

The Goldsmith


A gold is said to be in its purest state if it reflects clearly whatever image is before it. Said state is reached by a thorough purification process. Flames in its ideal temperature is a necessary part of the process.

With the complexities of modern living, a person absorbs impurities from all facets of life not limited to media, personal entaglements, inevitable moral decay of the society and confusion in varying philosophies.The need to be anchored on something constant and true is considerable. In the deck of supposed truths, there is a probability that each card is filled with poison or there is that one which will not be dissolved if put to fire.

If GOD has but one characteristic which is resounding if called out and sung in haeven, it would be HOLy, HOLY, HOLY. A God who is beyond the reach of defilement requires that His subjects would also be holy for God cannot dwell in sin. If God created man in his own image, we therefore have the seeds of holiness in us which God can grow if we are willing to plant ourselves in His good soil. To track the path of righteousness, all that is required of us is willingness.

I could recall that my faith in Him has been tried several times if not constantly whenever i am tempted to sin. When i was a babe in my walk with Him, He broke me by taking those i value more than Him. Those breaking emphasized that He is more than enough. What i adore about in the process of breaking is the restoration part where He brings back what He had taken in multifold. I was temporarily disowned by my family but our relationship got stronger and sweeter when i did not quit to fully know what kind of love He was filling me to share to them. Aside from my "blood" family, i have my spiritual family who supports me all the way in my christian journey and i am grateful to keep them through these years.

Next to my family and friends, i treasure the most, education,-------TBC