Monday, September 15, 2014

the possibilty

pic of

An endearment that has found its way to throb within
How it tickles the soul seems ineluctable
This blood-pumping muscle has a mind of its own
Foolish i'd be if i will trust it to lead

This tide is not a carefree ride
When the current down below pulls harder than the wind's blow
It is a beautiful season which i hope to last long if not for a lifetime
Without compromising the very core values of what must living be

I have no name for it yet
But i'm surely praying that it'll get there crystal clear
I'm fine with waiting and starting all over again

To Him who loves me more than anyone could,
Please take me where you destined me to be
and take control of the beating of my fondness
To You, i commit all possibilities.

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