Saturday, October 10, 2015

Thursday, October 8, 2015


I had a date with mommy Mel and Atheia yesterday :-)
It was so hard to take pics of us because she moves a lot hehe

to be continued writing :-) utang nanaman sa pagsusulat

Wednesday, October 7, 2015


Too much of something is bad.

Since I met the Lord, I committed in my heart that I shall be active in the ministry. Not only for ministry purposes but my desire to be a hands on mother that is why I asked wisdom from the Lord as to what would be the most suited profession for me. Definitely, a bundy clock-based work is not preferable. 

Be in the legal profession where you could put up your own office and be the boss thereof--SOUNDS GREAT and so I invested 5 years for a lifetime time-management. God has been gracious to me by giving me opportunities to serve Him while a student but still I considered my years in school as though I was a prisoner. I cried after knowing that my name was on the list of graduating students. FINALLY I am out of the dungeon. BUT another delay happened when I have to retake the bar. 

HOORAY! What shall I do after passing the exam? Be active in church? start off a kid's ministry? What, when and where Lord? 

TANTARARAN ---PNP! OK, Lord, as you lead.

I do not know until when I shall be in the police ministry but I am having more friends from said field. It is in friendship that the title of this post comes in. It is hard to minister or disciple someone unless there is a binding relationship shared. A relationship that is free to deepen or grow under normal circumstances. How can it be normal when the people I am meeting are so hesitant to be themselves because of my profession? Am I really different or am I hard to deal with? Is it my profession or my very personality that makes them shy away?

How can I encourage these people that it is okay to tag me along even on the simplest occasions such looking for a dress, a simple snack around the corner or a quick chitchat? I am busy and that would always be the case but I also know how to balance my time and my life. Being with friends is far more important than being in front of the laptop. Not that I am lazy worker but I am flexible to meet out friends and catch up with the papers on a later time of the day. 

Just invite me over and I will sure come when I can :-) 
If it will disrupt my schedule, who cares, I know how to buffer.
It hurts when I am not invited at all simply because the person cares more about my schedule but does not care of seeing me. 

It is more bothering is when I am the one initiating and I am refused to because they do not want to disturb me. Yes, I am following a timetable but I am not unreasonable to commit to do one thing that I am not capable of sustaining and I hate doing. I definitely love hanging out with friends and family. I love them that I want their company. Papers do not laugh, sympathize or share burden but people are warm, crazy and accountable.

Sunday, October 4, 2015


This is crazy, while it sounds harmless, the fact remains that I lied and I cannot tell the person that I did.

Shakespeare in love.