Back in college I had 3 options on what to do after school:
1.) to be a full-time church worker
2.) to go to bible college in Japan
3.) to study law
By His grace, enrolling in law school did not stop me from serving Him and in learning more of His word but the difference is that it involves lesser people and at times it is only me and the Lord.
Tonight I did not attend our tax class and it is my second absent in my three years in school. I am always present even in make-up classes in respect to the teacher and makosensya lang jud ko.
The first absent was when I had a digestion trouble that I missed the 2nd to the last lecture of sir Montejo in Consti2 though I forced myself to attend the class before it beacuse sir Aportadera conducted a mandatory recit. I stayed only for 10 minutes or less because I was the third called to recite and right after I gave my answer I politely made my exit.
Though it will never justify skipping classes, I will not regret attending the midweek service and learning the basics of "unity" from Ephesians 4. The Korean pastor also gave his testimony which revived my fading desire of becoming a pastor's wife. The calling to feed the flock and to reach for the lost once again fills my heart and my mind. Admittedly, Ive been indifferent lately that I let go of a number of opportunities to help and to minister others for the expedient reason that I'm busy, so busy for the exams which redounds to being so busy for myself.
Ministry is in different forms whether it is about raising children, studying, working in mission, worship leading and etc. I do not see much myself in litigation nor in preparing binding contracts but in being a Sunday school teacher, into cleaning and music ministry or organizing youth and women's fellowships. With such desires, I will never compromise the "person" of my partner-to-be in the minstry. He may not be a pastor right then when we meet or marry but he should be in love with the Lord more than he can imaginably love me and with humility to ask the Lord for breaking, maturity and consistency.
Wrong choices I am tempted to consider
Even if I would commit so
I am certain that You would still love me
Forbid it Lord that I'll break Your heart
Enable me that Your joy shall be my delight