Wednesday, March 24, 2010


In the first chapter of the book IF YOU WANT TO WALK ON WATER, YOU'VE GOT TO GET OUT OF THE BOAT, Ortberg said that whatever hinders one from boldly allowing the Lord's wondrous works in his life is his boat. The boat could be in some form of fear, envy or even comfort that keeps a person pinned and too weak to take that leap of faith.

To those who are close to me they know that I have a problem with my monthly period cause it is more like of a semestral period to me or worst--annual. Since college I'm encouraged to visit a doc for it which I did last year with a gyne who recommended an endocrinologist for a better understanding of my hormones which irregular production threats my reproductive health. I even secured the required lab test which I perceived to be pretty abnormal because the values of the result are too far from the standard range. Of course, I am not in the position to interpret it but I am afraid to know what it truly says and for reasons of busyness that I again let a year went by without seeing the specialist. My fear stems from the issue of barrenness which my friends tell me as my self-created monster.

Some people are so into keeping pets and what they spend for it could send some children(those with less in life) to school. I am not against having pets but what I cannot understand is why adoption rarely desired when it actually depicts compassion. Some are not open about keeping children not of their own flesh because the child might have on his veins some bad blood and would just be a pain/problem. But I think the problem is more on fear of responsibility. I have so much more to say about adoption which is not necessarily limited on its legal definition and function but even on those little things that directly benefit the orphans. To adopt is not only to keep a baby and grow him as your own but reaches over a teen neighbor whose parents are both sick and has a handful of siblings to feed by sending provision to them or have the teen as your scholar.

What is the connection then about the boat, hormonal problem and adoption? I think my boat is the fear to know the real status of my reproductive health that is why I tried self-medication. Adoption could never be a bad idea but my fear is boosted by it. This fear truly affects my life like for instance I want to be a godly wife but I think no man would be very willing to marry a barren woman. This sounds prejudicial but i think most men will withdraw, think twice or would never give a chance for love to grow when they know of such fact at the inception of the relationship. Except those with a gift of single blessedness, it is normal to desire to marry and have children and to be fruitless would truly be a test of faith.

Before I'll be consistent indefinitely of rejecting the idea of boy-girl relationship, i ask you my readers to pray for me to be brave enough to go to the clinic on April and keep rejoicing with me of God's faithfulness. The fear is not constant though kasi dami exams na uunahin hahaha pero bitaw mas early kay mas maau para if mi prob jud kay maagapan pa :).. I want to see my lahi also and by God's grace the needs of my family would never bar us from living out the adoption advocacy.

I heard once a quotation that goes "you can choose your friends but you cannot choose your family and i find it the opposite when God called us "My children, My bretheren, My family", a brother then is whoever God created and we chose in love to be a part of us.

PS: ninang kayong lahat ng babies ko :)

Lord bless us with God-honoring thoughts, a family who loves and erves You and a lovelife that is pure and true.

Monday, March 22, 2010


i rather fail an exam than to go on unforgiven
but i cannot control others' disposition
and aware of the domino's threat
no more striking in the syllabus I remind myself

Lord speak unto her and to me
maybe she is mad at me for the ignored calls and sms
maybe she is not but how can I know
Hands up, begging soul, let Your mercy flow

God sends forth rain and grain
sun to dry the flood, a colorful bow to remind
pretty natural I used to think but His Word tells more
all these we see and adore, in "agape" He authored them all

Thursday, March 18, 2010

flip the tassel

Marching finally on May 23
Heard a number of heartbeats
Seen a long line of tongues, tonsils and teeth
7 years in school, Anj now wants her transcript

Congratulations Angelie
I never doubted that you'll be a doki
Bless Him who makes us finish our degrees
Him who sustains us all through the way

I agree that we are like the eyes
Blinking together though not seeing each other
CP and PC connect us in some way
But it's the heart that remembers that kept our friendship sticky

By His grace there will be
Doc Anj and Atty. Dux
Best of friends in love and duty
All for His joy and glory

Friday, March 5, 2010

Only a Few

Weary heart makes me write
Oftentimes only the letters understand me
I believe God's thoughts and feelings are inscribed in the Bible
But why only a few get excited in reading through the scripture
Because only a few who are passionate about knowing Him

As written, the one that meditates on His word is wise
It is not knowledge of economics nor of mathematics
Complaints of difficult understanding the Bible
Proverbs 25:2
2It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter.
Luk 24:45 And He opened their understanding, that they might comprehend the Scriptures

Just read through
They will come alive maybe later
Nothing to revive in the absence of encounter
God loves us and He authors zeal and comprehension
Sharing His heart is His mission but again only a few enlist as volunteers

Thursday, March 4, 2010


You're not Joseph nor am Potiphar's wife
Stop fleeing, will you?
Never been to traffic with my bike
Thoughts of you, I'm stuck in a day

Gone halfway to finishing law school
But a pre-schooler in letting fondness go
Lord,keep my heart anchored on things above
Be filled by Your spirit, grace and love

Once again, I want to laugh out loud
With people who bound themselves in serving You;
I miss singing, teaching, polishing and
Sharing the joy of my salvation

Once again be satisfied in staring at the firmament
How lovely are the shapes it paints
All up there, man,rabbit,crocky or just puffy clouds
Wanna be light specially in weight :)

All are possible
In fact, nothings is so difficult for Him
The Father's abounding grace and mercy
Would be more than enough to keep a heart merry

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Started as a house visit
Later rented out a place to gather
One of the first challenges of Ptr. Mike
To decelerate his talk and to learn the dialect
Ironically the local speed up their english
Putting the Hiligaynon tutorial in naught

With five or seven, they call it a congregation
God brought more that would occupy a floor
The vision- maturing God's people in His truth and grace
Prays perpetually for His annointing in the ministry
What a rest when it is His hands that work
With willing ones never minding lending a hand

Ten years of faithfulness to Calvary Chapel Iloilo
Fruitful personal walks and serving hearts, we give You glory
In You, thru Ptr. mark, let there be love, joy and unity
In the peaks and valleys stick together as a family
Till we will be together again
As He leads we will keep each other in prayer, Lord bless you