Saturday, September 25, 2010

can't stop loving

one of the folders in my deskstop contains all the pictures which i seldom scan. the pics though filled with smiles pinch my heart because the people there left earlier than i expected, no, they did not die, but they considered an option where seperation is the immediate upshot. only prayer connects us.

though i still have a year before finishing school i think that period is short to cover my plan. what plan? to earn more Q-friendships in the Lord. time is the glue of strong bonds. time to dine, talk, study, sing and even play together. May God give me wisdom in nourishing the relationships He gifted me.

the "hi" in fb is nothing to a warm hug in person. i don't want to leave ADDU as a mere graduate but as a dear sister in the Lord. studying again in the library will give me more chances to share a smile or words of life or to tap somebody :). what do u think?-- my oh my the beauty of a shared life tugs me like no other.


BEST is not being the best but giving the best coupled with love and grace.

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