On the floor I bowed, i sang all my favorite praising songs to ease the pain and doubts while my tears kept flowing, will I make it this time Lord? I asked. All His promises and faithfulness in the past flashed in my mind, then i began to hope again. My voice had never been that hoarse(though i tried my hardest to keep my crying low otherwise it will resound in the whole 4th floor hehe). I gathered up myself, went straight to my bed, hugged my pillows and prayed. I begged God to pacify my troubled soul, to grant me unwavering faith and wisdom to pass the Bar.
While lying and thinking deep, lightning after lightning blasted outside my window. There! the Lord showed His might and power. Right! God, with a snap of Your fingers, my concerns turned into hope, peace and joy. I called it,the LIGHTNING STRENGTH!

picture taken from:environment.nationalgeographic.com