Sunday, November 21, 2010


details prove the intent to keep
those who are close know the narration
joy is not in the stories
as revealed they are memories of bitterness

it rooted from a perceived offense
expected to be healed by an apology
poor man, nobody thinks he owes you one
poor spirit don't withhold forgiveness

the truth, "sorry" will not mend the brokenness
forget it, life is not about you
restore the First Love and all else will just follow
let not an unforgiving heart poison you

live like today is the last
make friends, paths crossed for a purpose
give love, have it from above
share hope, fix your eyes on the cross

farewell to the unhappy thoughts
goodbye to the hurts of unreturned love
follow then, He modeled the unconditional
for sure, we can never outgive the Lord

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