Wednesday, November 24, 2010

special semester

1. enrolled 12 units only
2. i've discovered last semester that i can read a transcription in 2-3 days
(how long would i take to finish the 49-page insurance notes?)
3. i am back into making my own codal and reading cases in the original
4. i can solve tax problems without copying from the CPAs (estate/donor)
(V-R shall be my constant date)
5. i attend ate Jazzie's nego class (i will take the exams too)
6. kuya Rex is back leading our BS group with the parables
7. new set of close friends from the 3rd year
8. the 3rd time with maam Yang-yang and maam Sagmit
9. sir Aportadera will give us an exam in legal forms
10. class project in Torts which will constitute as one exam
11. the semester will end on March

my confidence: God will see me through--praise His name forevermore

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