Friday, October 31, 2014

the best policy

it would be a lie if i'll keep saying that i do not mind
however, i'm having less of it as the day goes by
survival then is the instinct

Shakespeare has my spine
Words, phrases, and songs shout the line
this freedom of love i long to have

to God, my plea is consistent
let Your will be done
orchestrate our destiny

Yes, it is true. I am in a difficult situation now as depicted obviously in my previous posts and on this one. I am in the process of shaking off things that are not for me to inquire about simply because the answers thereto are hidden in the passage of time. My mind is flooded with questions which i cannot address by myself and the person who could is distant or shall i say missing.

Yes, i ask for your kindness to lift us up in prayer. May all these pains turn into bliss, though not instantly, but at least the trouble becomes less on each passing day.

No, you are wrong, i am not running away from it for i have just admitted that i am struggling to overcome this ugly feeling of uncertainty and rejection. In facing it though, I have to season my efforts with positive thinking and high hopes that an extremely good lesson will rise from the situation knowing that God allowed me to swim on it. This is a challenge for acceptance. I have to accept the fact that i am already in the middle of this twist or detour and i need wisdom to get back on the right track. The right road may mean being on my own again or with someone who is free and willing to start off again. Being put to test is a good way to come off pure, renewed and restored.

We are all humans, we commit mistakes but it is not the end of it for if we let God to instruct us how to fix them then the mess will just be history. We should remain blessed knowing the Lord's promises where one of them is Romans 8:28
And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

That's right, it is very comforting to know that ALL things whether GOOD or BAD can be used by God for the good of that person who loves Him and is called according to His purpose. At the end of the road, the sure conclusion is that God is good and His love never fails.

picture taken from

let love overflow! aja!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

oh heart of mine

pic taken from

oh heart of mine, can't you be more patient?
if only i can massage you to ease your pain
please follow what the mind tells you
cooperate now and feel no more blues

oh heart of mine, just go about it
it'll be a bliss-loaded journey later
ignore what you cannot understand
behave now otherwise your eyes will never run dry

how could waiting be so heart-breaking?
does a need for time and space mean goodbye?
who can tell till i hear it then
as for now, plz be strong oh heart of mine
now that's a cute love-talk link


I was in the office when i took that picture by myself "selfie". Obviously, i had my hair colored. Lately, i've been exerting efforts to trim down because the wedding day of my friend is fast-approaching. I do not jog everyday especially when it rains that is why the set goal is slow to realize. I intend to intensify it by November by not eating rice at night and by maximizing the amazing twister.

it is not about the wedding alone, the call to be healthy is ringing loud and i'm getting conscious and uncomfy of my looks. PLUS, my heart is struggling over something, it is best to channel my focus on something else worthwhile. However, i cannot let the confusion of someone rob my joy. i would surely endeavor to keep that smile in the picture, by God's grace of course.

we parted ways hearing him say that i already knew his decision. honestly, i do not know it. I am also confused but there is no way that i'll be eaten by it because i need focus in my work. Yes, it is extra-difficult not to think about it but thanks to God that i am coping.

in this turmoil i am in
the best thing to do is to keep praying
i may not be the author of it
but entrusting it to Christ surely helps

waiting is always not comfortable
but it is God's way of saying that He is in control
all those questions making my nape cold
to surrender them all to God is a call

this is surely just for a season,
yeah, struggles knock hard on my door
it is high time to let let my knees kiss the floor
with all i am, i pray, "Father, let Thy will be done"

i am planning to master more christian songs :-) yeeha!
i'll start with Made me glad by Hillsong

Sunday, October 26, 2014

no to cold

i cannot beg for something that should be freely given,
to trust you words is a leap of faith
specially when i am feeling otherwise

what had been strong and consistent before is now fading slowly
i am not sure if you fully considered me saying "sorry"
the coldness from your end never failed to strike me

am i at fault again in not believing that everything is ok?
cause if it were true, then why does the ice keep piling up?
despite all these, i'll try to hang on more

with you, i learned that i am impatient and selfish
and i am sorry that you suffered from all of which
despite that, i am glad that you stick around

indeed you did not leave but you did not promise that you will stay
i bet, you were just waiting till i become stable and okay
i cannot blame you if you walk away

whenever i fall, i know that i have to get up,
i have to shed tears and try once again
but i do not know if it would be with you then

your silence simply does not communicate care
take your time in reconsidering everything.
as for me,
i am sorry for all the hurting words and decisions my dear

pic taken from

Friday, October 24, 2014

cuppycake song

You're my Honeybunch, Sugarplum
Pumpy-umpy-umpkin, You're my Sweetie Pie
You're my Cuppycake, Gumdrop
Snoogums-Boogums, You're the Apple of my Eye
And I love you so and I want you to know
That I'll always be right here
And I love to sing sweet songs to you
Because you are so dear

why a dear thing lead to nada?
this grieving soul has no answer
i have no words anymore to share
and to move on might be my dare

timing is everything
it is crystal clear

pic taken from: