Thursday, October 30, 2014


I was in the office when i took that picture by myself "selfie". Obviously, i had my hair colored. Lately, i've been exerting efforts to trim down because the wedding day of my friend is fast-approaching. I do not jog everyday especially when it rains that is why the set goal is slow to realize. I intend to intensify it by November by not eating rice at night and by maximizing the amazing twister.

it is not about the wedding alone, the call to be healthy is ringing loud and i'm getting conscious and uncomfy of my looks. PLUS, my heart is struggling over something, it is best to channel my focus on something else worthwhile. However, i cannot let the confusion of someone rob my joy. i would surely endeavor to keep that smile in the picture, by God's grace of course.

we parted ways hearing him say that i already knew his decision. honestly, i do not know it. I am also confused but there is no way that i'll be eaten by it because i need focus in my work. Yes, it is extra-difficult not to think about it but thanks to God that i am coping.

in this turmoil i am in
the best thing to do is to keep praying
i may not be the author of it
but entrusting it to Christ surely helps

waiting is always not comfortable
but it is God's way of saying that He is in control
all those questions making my nape cold
to surrender them all to God is a call

this is surely just for a season,
yeah, struggles knock hard on my door
it is high time to let let my knees kiss the floor
with all i am, i pray, "Father, let Thy will be done"

i am planning to master more christian songs :-) yeeha!
i'll start with Made me glad by Hillsong

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