Saturday, January 23, 2010

my plea

Empty mind bothers me especially when I'm in prayer
Should have a long list
To thank for the good things that surround me
For the challenges which at times stretch my patience

Life is just awesome
No reason at all to grumble
My health is good and so are my grades
I have a family that I am forever grateful for

What snatches my joy?
Nothing by my own choice to let it go
Allowing sin to build that wall
Separating me from Jesus, my All

Lord, search my heart
Cleanse me from any pride
Do not let sin have its dominion in me
Stop me from thinking me, me, me and me

Crashed me back into clay if necessary
Hold me and mold me
So-shaped for You to fill
A free channel of Your blessings

Till my last breath Lord
Shower me with Your grace
Till I see You face to face
Deliver me from the Enemy's schemes

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