Sunday, January 10, 2010


my doormates to a debut party

Awaited by every girl
To finally be called a lady
Point of emancipation
The say, "license to an opp's relation"

Mine was extra special
I met my Prince in my rebirth
He offered mercy and peace
An eternity worthy of praise

Got a book from my family
Voice message from my better and best friend
Drumsticks for my classmates, the treat
Those were memories worthy to keep

No turning back on Feb. 13, 2005
Loyalty to my First Love I publicly declared
With water washing away my sins
Then the lovely start for greater things

Thereafter, blessed to be in the worship team
Joyous leadership in praise with annointing
Had a chance to teach the young
Facilitated and played with my age

Intimacy with my church family
Together in a number of outreaches
Dine often at Pavia, JD or Jollibee
But (Women of the Word)WOW loved the bihon at John B

Now, my time is invested in law school
Glad that He remains faithful
Living for Him in the past 5 years
Such a privilege to keep it till my last breath

Each day comes and ends as He wills
A lifetime to serve
To love and to share
To be born was never a mistake but grace

Freedom then is being bound on His love
Emancipation is full dependence on His providence
A beautiful life and love story
Written through the blood of the Lamb

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