Sunday, February 22, 2015

My Baggy :-)

In the ordinary course is where Your working hands pick a chance
It is not luck that we experience miracles everyday
The rainbow painted across the sky tells of a covenant
How wonderful when Your promises come true in our lives

Leaves of the tress dance with the wind
The rays of the sun warms the skin and opens hope to light
Cottony clouds race with one another
How cool that You make them all move

During mid-day, the shoreline goes backward
When the breeze  is cold at dawn, the seawater is at its warmest
The current, that's the highway for turtles in the ocean
Which part of this world that You have not touched and without control over?

While my desk is full of office files and
I was preoccupied preparing for this weekend's lecture
A lovely plant was delivered 
God, You are also the author of beautiful gifts and surprises

Now I am responsible to take care of it
To nourish it until I see its bud and flowers
And to love it still when it is but leaves on a pot again
Amazing how a plant from Baguio could make me write a poem

I named my plant as Baggy because "she" is from Baguio hehe

Next time, I'll post Bub's pictures :-)  My 2 year-old dog given by Luli. I had Bub when it was only about a month old. Bilis ng panahon, Bub is turning 3 on October 31 :-) high time para ihanap sya ng gf :-) 

Saturday, February 21, 2015

My perspective on marriage

February is the season where love talks fill the moment. The different relationships status are highlighted but it is marriage that is usually on the spotlight.

Marriage is not an event but a commitment made by two people (male and female) to live together as one for the rest of their lives keeping the Lord Jesus as the center and head thereof. When a man pursues a lady, it must be for the intention of marriage. The man boldly lays down his intentions to the woman at the onset of their encounter because the burning desire to do it comes from the Lord and God never dealt with us in a confusing way. To people who are complete in God individually, they see marriage as an act of obedience to God. When a guy is lead by God into marriage, the Lord will definitely point to him who shall be his other half. Courting a girl then is a form of submission to His will. A friend said that the guy must not hesitate to approach the girl if God confirmed that she is the one. He must go after her despite the risk of getting rejected because God was never wrong in His ways.  Obedience is the greatest expression of trust.

Proverbs 18:22
He who finds a wife finds a good thing,
And obtains favor from the Lord
A relationship must not define a person's outlook. Marriage does not make a couple happy but holy. Holy because it is of God. Happiness is just a by-product of holiness. The union must be for God's glory. Nothing out of the ordinary happens when a person meets another whom he/she is destined to be united with because God is at work in every season and aspect of our lives. Marriage is more than finding the right person but being the right person prepared for tying the knots.

Why married couples would say that their life is incomplete if his/her partner will be gone? It is because in marriage, two people become one. It is unlike other relationships that one can afford to replace the other if things will not hold together. In marriage, it is not only a union of flesh but of souls and spirits. The cut it will leave if the other decides to step out of the union will be deep that is why the Lord frowns at divorce. Divorce was institutionalize during Moses time because of the hardness of the heart of the people and not because marriage was wrong. Noting from the chronological events in the Bible, the first miracle performed by Jesus was on a wedding feast, it amplifies His approval of wedding ceremonies.  Contrary to common practice these days, God abhors common-law relationships because He designed sex to be shared and enjoyed under the context of marriage.

1 Corinthians 7
Principles of Marriage

Now concerning the things of which you wrote to me: 
It is good for a man not to touch a woman. 2 Nevertheless, because of sexual immorality, let each man have his own wife, and let each woman have her own husband. 3 Let the husband render to his wife the affection due her, and likewise also the wife to her husband. 4 The wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does. And likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does. 5 Do not deprive one another except with consent for a time, that you may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again so that Satan does not tempt you because of your lack of self-control. 6 But I say this as a concession, not as a commandment. 7 For I wish that all men were even as I myself. But each one has his own gift from God, one in this manner and another in that.

Personally, my commitment to stay pure is stronger after getting exposed to the foolish things of this world. In my time to be in a relationship, my partner and I shall mutually agree to respect each other and must commit ourselves to uphold purity before our wedding. We must not touch each other unless it is a "comfort" hug, an "encouraging " pat at the back and not to kiss till we say I dos. We would not burn in passion because the Lord will pacify our natural "animal" instincts. I am not in favor of long term engagements which means I'll marry my first boyfriend within one year from hearing him say, "can i know you more for purposes of marriage?" hahaha
Love is not measured by time, whether it is 2 years or 2 months, if it is of God then it comes along at the right time and without delay. 

God is yet to answer my prayer all these years regarding my lifetime partner and I will wait for it patiently. What is my consistent prayer? ______________

Do not misunderstand that I am in a hurry to marry because I see a relationship like having a new Bible where it takes time to get through it. Having a Bible is definitely right but reading it must not be hurried for each page, every chapter and book must be read and brushed through thoroughly and intimately that the words thereof may be written well in the tablets of my heart.  The right love may come sweeping but to nail it to forever shall be afforded due season for its ripening. I admit that there are times that I want to take a leave from work and spend all my time reading my new Bible so that I could highlight my all time favorite passages and to be familiar with it for quick browsing and reference when I share to others the truth. However, said "purpose" of reading it in quick pace is simply not an act of love. So far, the pages of my bible no longer stick as much as they do when I bought it last month, it is becoming colorful lately (highlight) and notes were annotated on the margins.  Time will come that its pages will tear apart but it manifests that the person owning it is intact. 

For lasting first love and well-read bible,
For abundant grace and long-lived virtues,
May  God cause us to thirst for more of His word ,
And enable us to live out the precepts He'll carved in the tablets of our hearts.


Singleness is a golden moment for a person to enjoy and strengthen his relationship with God. It is wrong for a person to feel incomplete because he/she is single because no other person or anything could fill a God-shaped void but Him alone.

Miracle happens when our will intercepts God's will. Love falls short but God does not.

Colossians 1:6
pic taken from

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

CROSS-CENTERED LOVE STORIES by Leslie Ludy (2-5-15 repost)

Whenever Valentine’s Day approaches, the subject of romantic relationships surfaces suddenly, like a deep-sea diver coming up for air. You can’t write a book called When God Writes Your Love Story and not be roped into the topic of romance on Valentine’s Day. Even though it has been fifteen years since that book was released, Eric and I continue to be contacted by Christian magazines, radio shows, and even television networks, asking us to share our opinions about how Christians should date and find spouses. With the popularity of Internet dating and match-making reality shows, our culture’s focus on “finding that special someone” has grown stronger than ever. And as a result there is much confusion and debate about how Christian singles should go about finding a romantic relationship. Here’s a sampling of some of the hot relational issues swirling around in our churches these days:

“Is Internet dating okay? After all, God can’t steer a parked car, can He? We need to be pro-active in finding a spouse!”

“Why shouldn’t women pursue men? Guys need a healthy nudge every now and then, just like Ruth gave to Boaz!”

“What’s so wrong with dating around—isn’t that how you find the right person? How will you ever discover what kind of person you are compatible with unless you play the field a bit?”

“Is it really such a bad thing for a Christian to get romantically involved with a non-believer? I mean, it may be the only way the other person will ever hear the Gospel!”

All of these questions seem to expose a deeper root issue in our Christian culture today—self-focused living has replaced Cross-centered living.

Now don’t get me wrong. Just because someone desires to be married doesn’t automatically mean he or she is being selfish. The desire for a human love story was given to us by God. He is the One who invented romance in the first place, and He is very much behind the idea of marriage.

But when the pursuit of our own happiness becomes a higher priority than surrendering our lives to God and trusting Him with each detail of our lives, we are missing the mark.

Most of the common debates about how Christians should date center from a mentality that says, “How much can I pursue my own desires and get what I want, and still remain on God’s good side?” It reminds me of that ever-popular discussion from my youth group days: “How far is too far?” As Christian teenagers, we always wanted to know how much pleasure we could get away with and still call ourselves Christians. We should have been asking an entirely different question: “How far can I possibly go to please God in this area of my life?” Having that mindset would have immediately cleared up our confusion about how to conduct ourselves in romantic relationships. But we wanted to have it our way, so we were constantly playing with compromise and coming up with elaborate justifications as to why our behavior was acceptable in God’s eyes.

Not much has changed since then. Entire books have been written that provide today’s Christians with spiritual-sounding reasons for why surrendering our love lives to Christ is unnecessary and legalistic, and why we should be free to pursue relationships the same way the rest of the world does (within reasonable moral boundaries of course).

But once upon a time, Christian men and women understood what it meant to lay down everything for the sake of Christ—including their desires for marriage and family. Like Abraham surrendering Isaac, they willingly laid their most sacred and priceless blessings upon the altar before God. They realized that if He desired them to be married, He would make it clear in His own perfect time and way. But He must always come first, and He must always be implicitly trusted.

Throughout Christian history—in recent decades and in ages past—men and women entrusted their romantic desires to Him, declaring that obedience and surrender to God was of far greater importance than their own personal desires. For some, like Amy Carmichael, Gladys Aylward, and John Hyde, this commitment meant giving up marriage completely in order to serve Christ without distraction.

For others, it meant stepping into marriage for the glory of God, not merely for their satisfaction and fulfillment.

Jim and Elisabeth Elliot’s story beautifully illustrated this pattern. When they felt drawn to a relationship, they immediately surrendered their desires to God and committed to wait on His guidance and timing before rushing ahead with their own plans. “A good and perfect gift, these natural desires,” wrote Elizabeth. “But so much more the necessary that they be restrained, controlled, even crucified, that they might be reborn in power and purity for God. For us, this was the way we had to walk, and we walked it. Jim seeing it his duty to protect me, I seeing it mine to wait quietly, not to attempt to woo or entice.”

Elizabeth and Jim didn’t just wait on God for a week. They didn’t just wait a month. They didn’t wait for a year. Five years passed while the two young people sought God’s direction. They remained committed to each other, but they were careful to guard their emotions and pursue nothing more than a Christ-centered friendship until God showed them otherwise. The road was narrow and lonely. But Elizabeth and Jim understood the difference between self-focused human love and a love scripted by the God of creation.

“A man’s love for a woman ought to hold her to the highest,” Elizabeth said. “Her love for him ought to do the same. I did not want to turn Jim aside from the call of God, to distract his energies, or in any way to stand between him and surrender. This was what I understood real love to mean. Purity comes at a high price. Sometimes the sacrifice makes little sense to others, but when offered to Him it is always accepted.”

How different their story was from the “do what makes you happy” approach we are so accustomed to these days. Most of the common questions that swirl around modern Christian relationships didn’t even come into play for Jim and Elisabeth—because they were focused on the glory of God and not their own selfish whims.

The Elliots were not the only Christian couple in recent decades to have walked this path of surrender. Oswald Chambers (the author of My Utmost for His Highest) met Biddy, his wife-to-be, during his preparation for the mission field. They shared an incredible kindred-spirit and like-minded passion for God, and marriage seemed to be an obvious fit. And yet, Oswald knew that his desires must first be fully surrendered to his Lord. Christ must come first, even if it meant they never married. He wrote to Biddy, “God has all the circumstances in His hand—in His hand my whole life (and yours with me) must be for Him and not for domestic bless.”

Later God did direct Oswald and Biddy to marry and labor together in His kingdom, and they had the beautiful satisfaction of knowing that He’d been given His rightful place as Lord over their decision.

Rees and Elizabeth Howells, who led one of the most dramatic revivals in Africa and had a powerful lifelong ministry of prayer and evangelism, felt drawn together by God, yet willingly laid their hope of marriage on the altar before Him. Their biographer writes, “The Lord had drawn them together, until they wondered if it were God’s will for them to marry and make a home for the tramps. Soon after, however, they were led in the opposite direction—to give up their marriage, not knowing whether it would ever be restored to them. [It wasn’t until] three years later that the Lord’s word come that their lives should be united in His service.”

No matter how our selfish, fleshly side feels about it, laying everything on the altar before our King and allowing Him to do with our lives whatever He sees fit is where true Christianity begins.

Our desire for marriage must be no exception. Let us not fall for ear-tickling, lackadaisical messages that require less than absolute abandonment to the One who gave His very life for us. He took up His Cross, and He asks us to do the same.

Never forget…on the other side of surrender, we will find the greatest joy!

WAITING FOR A CHRIST-BUILT MAN by Leslie Ludy (2-17-15 repost)

It’s surprising how many Christ-focused young women I meet have a difficult time transferring their romance with Jesus into the arena of guys. We might accept the fact that Jesus Christ is a princely, heroic gentleman who laid down His very life on our behalf. But when it comes to guys, it’s all too easy to settle for a self-consumed guy who exalts his own wants above honor and nobility; a guy who puts on a Christian mask in order to gain our attention, but underneath he is no different than his secular counterparts. As I have said in many of my books, an earthly romance is meant to be an outflow of our Heavenly romance with Christ. The only way this can happen is for both individuals to be completely consumed with Jesus Christ; to be ruled and operated not by selfish motives, but by His Spirit alone.

There are lots of “Christian” guys out there; guys who profess Christ but allow self to reign and rule their lives. Just because a guy is friendly, clean-cut, polite and church-going doesn’t mean that he is a truly godly man worthy of your heart. All too many young women lower their standards out of desperation – thinking that if they don’t snag the one guy who seems at least somewhat better than the rest, they will end up alone. But this attitude demonstrates a lack of trust in God’s love for you and perfect plan for your life. If you give Him the pen and allow Him to script your story, you don’t need to strive or manipulate in order to make a romance happen – He will bring the perfect guy into your life in His own perfect time and way. He is more interested in this area of your life being beautiful than even you are!

If you settle for less than a man who is fully yielded and surrendered to the King of all kings, you settle for less than God’s best for you. You may not feel worthy of a noble, gallant, Christ-built Warrior Poet who will lay down his life for you. But this is exactly what Christ is to you. And this is exactly what He desires for you in an earthly prince. If you keep your standards high, you honor Christ. You acknowledge that you were purchased by the precious blood of Jesus, that you are the daughter of the Most High King, and that you will not cheapen all that Christ has done for you by throwing your pearls to swine. (Matt 7:6) Christ has made you into royalty. Do not throw that gift away by giving the treasure of your femininity to a self-serving pig.

How can you tell if a man is truly worthy of your heart? Here are some practical ways:

First, learn to listen to the voice of Christ’s Spirit within you. The more you diminish your own selfish voice and tune in to what His Spirit is whispering to your soul, the more you intrinsically sense when God is opening a door, or when He is telling you to be cautious. If you need wisdom about a guy in your life, devote plenty of time to diligent prayer. The more you pray, the more clear God’s voice will become. Don’t rush ahead out of impatience. If there is any doubt in your mind, it is always best to err on the side of caution rather than presumption. If God wants you to take a step forward with a guy, He is perfectly capable of giving complete peace and confidence to your soul. If there is uncertainty, the best thing to do is to wait and continue to pray until your path becomes clear. God will not allow you to miss His will if you simply build your life around seeking Him.

Second, spend time observing him “behind the scenes” when no one else seems to be watching. He might be a wonderful example of Christ when he is in front of his church friends, but what is he like around his family? How does he treat his younger siblings? Does he honor his parents? What is he like around the “unlovable” people – those who can’t do anything for his reputation or popularity? Does he seek the limelight or is he content to be in the background, ministering to those that everyone else overlooks? What is the overall direction of his life? Is he pursuing money, or is he truly pursuing Christ? Does his “spiritual wisdom” come from hours on his knees alone with God, or merely from what he borrows from the spiritual lives of others? Is he truly respectful of women and honoring to his future wife, or is he constantly trying to win the affection of girls? Take some time to quietly observe his behavior (over more than just a day or two!) and allow God’s Spirit to open your eyes to his true nature.

Thirdly, recruit some “teammates” who can observe him along with you. Often the best teammates are parents or Godly older adults you respect, rather than friends your own age who might just tell you what you want to hear. Your parents (if they are walking with Christ) have been given a special position in your life by God, and often they have special insight into important decisions such as this one. If you are willing to humble yourself and submit to their wisdom, God can work through them to give you caution or assurance as you decide whether to move forward in a relationship. As I detailed in my book When God Writes Your Love Story, my parents played an incredibly important role in my love story with Eric. When our friendship seemed ready to move into a romantic relationship, their insight and wisdom proved to be an invaluable tool that God used in order to give me peace about moving forward. Even if you are an adult and living completely independent of your parents, they can still serve as prayer partners and Godly counselors for this crucial area of your life. If you are willing to humble yourself enough to listen to their perspective, you will be surprised at how beneficial it can be.

Even if you are mocked, ridiculed, or ignored because you refuse to throw your heart to any guy out there, you can be sure that God will honor your decision. He paid for the treasure of your heart with His own blood. You disregard His amazing sacrifice for you when you allow your femininity to be trampled in the mud. You are a daughter of the King, so hold out for a man who truly reflects the King’s nature, love and light.
pic taken from

Monday, February 16, 2015

heartwarming :-)

Excerpt of the convo thread shared with my student :-)

new fb acount mo teacher?hehehe
opo Julius, restart
i hope you are doing well in your studies, send my regards to your classmates. God bless you Julius

hehehe..sayang parin yung luma mo na acount teacher..hehehe

opo..makaka asa po kayo

terror teacher namin maam..hahaha..di katulad nyo.di marunong magalit
marunong di naman ako magalit pero kinokontrol ko lang
i'm glad na maaasahan ko kayong nagsusumikap sa pag-aaral. sana talaga makabalik ako teach sa June

hehehe..c maam _________..araw2 nagagalit..pero mas like ka namin na mag turo maam..mabait na, magaling pang mag turo

hehehe..bumalik na po kasi kayo sa pag tuturo maam..

Lord-willing, I'll see u around in June.
....................................................................................................................the chat went on :-)


Effort more para mareach ang ideal weight :-) Mi improvement naman so far.

The target is to make my students appreciate my dedication in teaching and the lovely soul God is creating in me. It is not bad that they would love to study well because their teacher is beautiful.
Mark the calendar, June it is.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Cutie Baby

Tita Dux

I'll cross the desert under the scorching heat of the sun just to see you two :-)

one-month-old Zian.

Totoo bang mi effect ang basang cotton sa sinok?

my last pic with Darren around January. My wacky partner whose skin is so smooth and so nice to kiss to hehe

It was not a good idea to walk without any sun covering (cap the least) because I am now suffering migraine :-( from too much sun exposure. I'll not forget to bring an umbrella next time.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

When God Made You by Natalie Grant

Another piece which you can find in my love songs playlist. However, I want to explain some of its lines to clarify things out.

This must be limited to the dream of finding a lifetime partner because our deep pursuits in life must never depend on a person. It is really nice to have an inspiration but if it is not God then we cannot let life revolve around it.

Again, this must pertain only to "boy-girl relationship" whys unless the the you there refers to God because only God who is the answer to all our questions.

In total, this is really lovely song that I love to be played on our wedding day :-)

Rascal Flatts - The Day Before You

Another song which is cute and meaningful :-)
 Happy hearts day.

Steve Green - Holding Hands

I really love this song :-)

Here is the lyrics thereof:

One day, far away, you gently won my heart
And one night, by candlelight, we made a vow to never part
And then it seemed just like a dream
When wide eyed, side by side
We faced the future holding hands

Years fly, they hurry by, the simple times are gone
Bills due, a kid or two, a week can feel eight days long
By fading light, let's kiss goodnight
And then we trace God's daily grace
Thankful we're still holding hands

There's a hope that won't let go
There's a truth we know
God is holding us in His arms

Thoughts stray far away to all that lies ahead
In frail days when strength fades
Will we still mean all that we said?
Our love's secure, so rest assured
Come what may 'til that day
We'll walk forever holding hands

By God's grace 'til that day
We'll walk forever holding hands

Friday, February 13, 2015

Friday the 13th

First and foremost, I do not believe in bad luck and in karma hehe

here is my story today.

I thought that reading the counter-affidavit and the latest motion submitted to the court was enough to be prepared for the hearing today that is why I spent my time last night reading RA 9344 for my soon lecture in coordination with 4th coy.  

Kuya Cesar fetch me around 6:20 A.M but I was ready to go as early as 6 because I woke up at 430 A.M. The parties represented reached RTC 18 at Digos earlier than we did. My agenda their is to have the accused arraigned so that double jeopardy will attach and submit the motion to dismiss with finality for resolution. Surprise! Technically, I accomplished nothing but only had the case reset on Feb. 26, 2015 because of E.O. 106 particularly Sec. 4 thereof. We have to secure first a certification from the CO of our clients embodying compliance of said order. What I could count as a blessing is the lawyer who offered me a copy of E.O. 106 so that I could make the necessary manifestation. 

Today is also Kuya Abu's hearing before Branch 3 and he told me that Judge Alano looked for me. I was expecting that his case would be dismissed today but what happened was he was scheduled for arraignment next hearing. The case would still be dismissed because of the favorable resolution by the Regional Prosecutor reversing the finding of probable cause by the City Prosecutor and it gave a directive to the latter to withdraw the Information filed. Again, the arraignment is for the accused's benefit that is for double jeopardy to attach. 

Executive Order No. 106, s. 1937
Posted on August 24, 1937

Pursuant to the authority vested in me by the Constitution and by the laws of the Philippines, I, Manuel L. Quezon, President of the Philippines, and Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces thereof, do hereby issue and promulgate the following rules and regulations governing arrest of officers and enlisted men of the Philippine Army:
1. Officers and enlisted men of the Philippine Army are subject to the general laws of the land and to the ordinances of the city or municipality in which they may be, and shall be liable to arrest for offenses committed in violation thereof.
2. Any officer or enlisted man of the Philippine Army charged with violation of the penal laws of the Philippines or of violation of city or municipal ordinances, for whose arrest a warrant has been issued, shall be arrested by his commanding officer or any officer in command of the nearest Army post, who shall forthwith bring the offender before the justice of the peace or officer issuing such warrant to be dealt with as the law directs.
3. (a) Any officer or enlisted man of the Philippine Army who commits a crime or any offense punishable under the laws of the Philippines or under any city or municipal ordinance, in the presence of a commissioned or commissioned officer or another enlisted man, shall be arrested by the latter and delivered within the period of six hours to the judge or justice of the peace having jurisdiction over the offense to be dealt with according to law.
(b) If the crime or offense is committed in the presence of both Army and State Police authorities, the arrest of the offender shall be effected by the Army authorities present who shall forthwith deliver the offender to the judge or justice of the peace who has jurisdiction over the case.
(c) If the crime or offense is committed in the presence of a member of the State Police, the State Police authorities shall effect the arrest and deliver the offender to the nearest Army authorities, or if there be no Army authorities in the city or municipality, to the competent judge or justice of the peace to be dealt with according to law.
(d) If neither Army nor State Police authorities are present at the time the crime or offense is committed by a member of the Army the arrest shall be effected by either the Army or the State Police depending on which one arrives first at the scene of the commission of the crime. If the State Police effects the arrest in these cases, the provisions of the next preceding paragraph shall govern.
4. In case the judge or justice of the peace will bind over any officer or enlisted man under arrest to answer a criminal charge and such officer or enlisted man shall fail to give bail, the person so in custody shall be delivered to the provincial commander or to the commanding officer of the accused for safe-keeping and shall so remain until acquitted or convicted on final judgment by the court. It shall henceforth be the duty of such officer or provincial commander safely to keep and produce the prisoner before the proper court at the proper time. If necessary for the safe-keeping of the prisoner, he may be committed to the provincial jail or to the Bureau of Prisons at Manila by the officer aforesaid.
5. The foregoing regulations shall not apply to reserve officers or enlisted men who are not on active duty status in the Philippine Army.
6. No subpoena directed to any officer, enlisted man, or civilian employee in the Army of the Philippines shall be served on any military reservation, or training camp, or barracks without delivering a copy of such subpoena to the commanding officer thereof.
Done at the City of Manila, this twenty-fourth day of August, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and thirty-seven, and of the Commonwealth of the Philippines, the second.
President of the Philippines
By the President:
Secretary of the Interior

I wonder if there is another law embodying the same provisions with the PNP personnel as the subjects thereof.

By the way, I am already officially enrolled for the Real Estate Broker Licensure Exam Review which will start on Feb. 28.  I hope my tatay will not react negatively if I'll miss the review class on March 1 to accommodate a speaking engagement with the T'boli MPS men and some troop members of 4th coy as audience. It would just be a one-hour lecture therefore I am doomed to choose the most important topic that a police officer must know. May God give me wisdom on this :-)

My commitment to conduct a regular (monthly) lecture to 4th coy would be delayed for the next three months because of my licensure exam on May 24.
It must be the last exam that I will take so that I could focus on the PNP ministry :-) Starting on June, I will compile all circulars pertaining to the welfare of the PNP personnel and read them all religiously. 

Just this week, I communicated my acceptance to the invitation to be a part of the Battalion Advisory Council and  I was told that they will just notify me as to when shall be the oath-taking. It seems that I am already a dot in the map of the PNP and I'll just have to enjoy and grab said privilege for whatever the Lord intends to do with it.

All I have for all of these is the HEART and I trust God to provide the skills and wisdom I need to effectively carry out what were placed in my hands. 

When He leads, He gives
When He guides, He provides

Here are some of the pictures I took while travelling:

  the last 2 pictures were taken inside 1002nd Brigade, Camp Agaad

Watch out for my Feb 14 story, as if I have something to share hehe
who knows

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Have you lost your heart?

That's the question of the arrow when he was caught up looking for the owner of the heart that was pierced to it. The short story that started and ended the movie THAT THING CALLED TADHANA.

aha! I watched it 3 hours earlier and my cheeks hurt for the uncontrollable laugh I got from it.
Definitely, it was more on comedy than romance. The lines were good except for the filthy words. The couple there did a lot of crazy things in order to climb out of the pit of hurt. They did those which I thought of doing before but then I failed to do so because they were just carried away by the wind. I have not cried a lot, I was not able to sing it out or to shout it out. I was just busy at work, filled with blessings and truly secure in God's love. A shooting star could not grant one's wish to let go of someone but if he sincerely whispers it in prayer, the faithful One who hears it will accordingly act upon our pleas. In joy and in pain, the answer is, Jesus :-)

pic taken from

In love, vulnerability to pain rests
Once love is blocked, it will crush any wall to break through
It is simply unstoppable and for many it is the reason to live

Oneness becomes of two people sharing the same affection
When one leaves, the other is just torn apart
No amount of strength could kill such a strong feeling.

No one dares to end the throbbing fondness otherwise he chokes his own soul
Diversion seems to be the best solution
A rejected love if it is right will find in time its true home.

How frail this earthly romance offers
A no match to what the Lover of our souls proposes
That thing called perfect love, it is God.


When I started feeling the tingles of having an inspiration
I know it would be because of you
Looking around, thousands of faces may flash before my eyes
But it will be you who will catch my heart

No one else will ring my phone like you would
Talking to you will bring endless joy
With high hopes we will look forward to the future
Unafraid to seize every tomorrow knowing we are together

In every season, in every rising of the sun, in every second
My felek, you are
If my first is my forever, no questions then
My felek, let it be

I believe in forever
Let us decide our felek
It is ours to make
I'm just here, waiting for you my dear Prince Blessing

This is a prayer, not a proposal
I have no name for you yet
But the deepest desire floods my heart
This i share to our faithful God

While you search for me
Honey, I'll keep dating with our perfect Carpenter
Once you decide to hold my hands forever
Jesus shall be our vow and wedding ring

You do not have to be handsome, just have a clean heart
We do not need to live in a mansion, we will build a godly home
We may not get to travel the whole world
But our prayer will include every living soul on earth

We do not need the praises of men
However, it would be nice that we are noted as a godly couple
We will exemplify in our union, forgiveness, service, grace, trust and love
Honey, all we need, in every waking moment, is to choose to love

We are not promised to have a smooth ride
But let our love ignore the bumps and humps
No fire could consume us
Our vow to love and to give shall be our shield.