Tuesday, February 3, 2015


as the title of this entry tells, i have a new blog :-) yehey!
it is loveneverfailsdux.wordpress.com

Here is the LINK: (just click it)

So far, I only have three entries there but I'll keep adding if i have time. My problem with my new accouunt is that it has a limit as to space therefore time would come that i'll reach the quota there. I have no intention of spending money to buy more space when i can have it here in blogger for free :-)


for the meantime i'll try to manage two blog accounts :-) but I might focus more in the new one because it is NEW hehe. 

my plan is to change my URL address here in blogger next month

(all of my entries here would be retained, only the URL address would be changed)

Why will i change the blog account name?
1. For security/privacy reasons 
2. I did not contemplate of a good blog account name when I signed up last 2009
     (the easiest was to use my full name)
     (this proves that time is a factor for maturity and creativity)
3. I've just learned where to edit the blog address/name :-)
4. I want to have uniform addresses for my e-accounts
    (whether it is printerest, wordpress or blogger-- my account will 
      always be loveneverfailsdux--which i hope will always be 
      available whenever i sign up for a new account)

I should find time soon to copy all my entries here because I directly compose them in this blog site which leaves me with no copy thereof. I am afraid to lose all my posts f the site will bog down. I cannot rewrite all the poems because they are usually products of my heart. A different condition of my heart will yield to a different line too. 

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