Wednesday, February 11, 2015


When I started feeling the tingles of having an inspiration
I know it would be because of you
Looking around, thousands of faces may flash before my eyes
But it will be you who will catch my heart

No one else will ring my phone like you would
Talking to you will bring endless joy
With high hopes we will look forward to the future
Unafraid to seize every tomorrow knowing we are together

In every season, in every rising of the sun, in every second
My felek, you are
If my first is my forever, no questions then
My felek, let it be

I believe in forever
Let us decide our felek
It is ours to make
I'm just here, waiting for you my dear Prince Blessing

This is a prayer, not a proposal
I have no name for you yet
But the deepest desire floods my heart
This i share to our faithful God

While you search for me
Honey, I'll keep dating with our perfect Carpenter
Once you decide to hold my hands forever
Jesus shall be our vow and wedding ring

You do not have to be handsome, just have a clean heart
We do not need to live in a mansion, we will build a godly home
We may not get to travel the whole world
But our prayer will include every living soul on earth

We do not need the praises of men
However, it would be nice that we are noted as a godly couple
We will exemplify in our union, forgiveness, service, grace, trust and love
Honey, all we need, in every waking moment, is to choose to love

We are not promised to have a smooth ride
But let our love ignore the bumps and humps
No fire could consume us
Our vow to love and to give shall be our shield.

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