Friday, January 30, 2015

Why Suffering: The Question

Why Suffering: The Question click this link.

Lately, everybody seems to have sipped from the cup of suffering. Losing a loved one, a good relationship that ended, loose ends at work, tragic events crying for justice and a lot more. From the painful experience, some question why a loving God allow such thing to happen when He is the author of love. I could recall how a friend struggled in her faith after failing the Bar exam. She entertained in her mind that life could be better if God is not around for what was the point of keeping Him in her life if the bad things still happen to her.

When trials come our way, they are supposed to make us desperate for more of Him and not to shaken our faith. Said possibility of forsaking God should not be taken for granted because the Enemy is determined to avail all means to separate us from Him. His comfort is felt more in times of mourning. To take by heart His true nature is the only key to find hope and the beacon of light in the midst of darkness.

No matter what, GOD IS GOOD and Romans 8:28 is true. We need to be patient to see how God works out everything for His glory and for our best.

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