Tuesday, January 13, 2015

daw san-o lang sa banwa sa Ilo-ilo

One of the blessings in life is having a church a family that would stand with you in every season. More often than not, lifetime friends are those you develop bonds with at church. There is no way that distance would alienate those who once been brothers and sisters in the Lord, working and praying together for the furtherance of God's  kingdom and for His glory.  It may take years before we reunite but when we do, it is as if we just waved "see you later" hours earlier.

These special people would never be replaced and I am glad that God keeps adding more like them in my life wherever I go.

Matthew 12:46-50

46 While He was still talking to the multitudes, behold, His mother and brothers stood outside, seeking to speak with Him. 47 Then one said to Him, “Look, Your mother and Your brothers are standing outside, seeking to speak with You.”

48 But He answered and said to the one who told Him, “Who is My mother and who are My brothers?” 49 And He stretched out His hand toward His disciples and said, “Here are My mother and My brothers! 50 For whoever does the will of My Father in heaven is My brother and sister and mother.”

The passage does not suggest that we set aside our biological family but it reveals the reality that a family exists in the body of Christ. A family that seeks first His will though coming from different families found mutual calling, passion and empowerment in the Lord. It would be great if our blood-family is also our spiritual family. My utmost desire which I constantly lift in prayer is that me, my family and my future family would fellowship in the same sanctuary, worship and serve the Lord together, as  a family.

I've been to places and it is fantastic to always find a church family which without hesitation and reservation readily adopts me as their own. The "connection" makes it possible. Meeting other christians is like meeting a close friend wearing a different looks. It is because we find Jesus in their person and Jesus is not a stranger to the believers. The hope of eternity in heaven makes saying "till next time" lighter. Though we part, we will be reunited again in our HOME. 

Here are some pictures while I was in Iloilo with my Calvary Chapel Bible Fellowship of Iloilo. (usually with the core members/co-workers/servants)

 The Sunday school teachers/cleaners/worship team (me, ate Rizel and tatay Lester)
 pastor Mike broadcasting Chuck Smith's the Word for Today.
 When you are in Calvary Chapel, you ought to bring your own Bible because you will need one during the service. Ours is "intelligent" faith. We "dissect"  the Bible thoroughly where in an average of 8 years, we finish studying the whole text. We touch on the New Testament on Sundays then go through the Old Testament during Midweek service.
 It is on the carpets where the Sunday school kids sit or lie down during class or film-viewing :-)

 After service, we clean up and keep the musical instruments in place.  We go somewhere to have lunch together then go back to church to prepare for the outreaches be it be street witnessing or conduct Sunday school for the kids in slum areas.

 Our foreign tongue is well-versed because of them.
 No kids on Wednesdays (midweek service) that is why we gather for Bible study in the Sunday School room downstairs.

 The Sunday school room is intentionally made colorful with Tita Grace's paintings to entertain the kids.
 We never grow tired eating chicken inasal. It seemed to be our official meal.
 Wow, my complexion, i was extra active when I was in college (always under the sun). I play volleyball, basketball and swimming.

 I think I had bangs for two years. I was the official babysitter of that baby boy. (me, nanay tin, Michael, tita Grace and Ate Wewe)
 I praise God for this family that left the States to start a church in Phil which accommodated, housed and nourished lost souls like mine. (Josh, Ptr. Mike, sis Lorie, Jillian) 

 Busy distributing spoons? not so, i have time for picture taking :-)

  The astig and lovely pastor's wife :-)

 Both heeded God's calling to serve Him in the Philippines.

 Do you see those books? I've read most of them.

 The funniest and coolest youth pastor, Pastor Chaz. (He has 5 biological kids and 10 legally adopted Filipino children. With that number of children, he and sister Terry are certified hardworking. They could have a basketball tournament with three teams in the house hehe) 

 My lovely nanay Tin, amazing Tatay Mark and adorable toto Michael.
These two men , Ptr. Mike Ramsey and John Edwards have humble and amazing servant-hearts.
One would surely be blessed if they he will observe the life and character of these two men of God.

I'll gather pictures of my spiritual families in Calvary Chapel Davao, Ateneo, Gensan and Calvary
Chapel Manila.

God is good for adopting us in His family :-)

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