Thursday, January 1, 2015


If i were to make a signature it will be read as this:
 "Life is beautiful because God is good and my hope is eternal because love never fails."

My name is Dux
I am not perfect on my own
But Christ dressed me of His rightheousness
In the Father's eyes, I am spotless

I must not fear what lies ahead
Christ walked this life
He knew how to get me through
In His guidance I can safely and joyfully hang on to 

My surrendered life would never be enough
To express my gratitude that He'd let me know of His boundless love
If I have but one thing to boast about
That is I have Jesus Christ in my life 

Grace I received, grace I give
Mercy I experienced, forgiveness I will not withhold to my offenders
My treasured hope in Christ, to others I will share
Love compels me to be faithful, love keeps me pressing on 

To those I failed to love
To those who witnessed my weaknesses
Please forgive me
For everybody, I declare His blessing of redemption and unfailing love be upon us all the time 

Not that I will not fall again tomorrow
But let us bear one another
Grab every chance to extend grace and patience
Letting love to cover a multitude of sins 

To my family
In my list you are the priority
To my boss and workmates
Thank you for accepting and assisting me 

To my friends
Distance could never break the strong bond we have
To my new friends
We will build too, eep and for keeps relationships 

To my church family
Together we will uphold the mission and our missions
We are like charcoals
Corporately, let us burn fiercely 

To the man meant to be my Prince Blessing
Keep maturing in faith until you find me
By God's grace, I'll stay pure and true
Till the day we exchange our I dos. 

My loved ones, let us fixed our eyes on Jesus
Settle our hearts on heavenly things
Anchor our thoughts in the love, hope, mercy and grace in God
These are enough that we keep fighting the good fight 

Lord thank You for the fruitful 2014,
Our 2015, please own it still 
We CANNOT do it (be holy) but You can make us one.
Let our lives be a channel of Your blessings and a mirror of Your glory.
My name is Dux :-)
I am not religious,
What I have is a growing RELATIONSHIP
 with my God and Savior, Jesus Christ.

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