Friday, January 30, 2015

Conflicts of Law

Today, Fred tagged me in this photo and I got reminded of my Conflicts of Law experiences which made my law school years colorful. It is our official sportsfest every year which usually falls on the 1st week of February. A month prior to Conflicts we practice a lot specially for the cheerdance competition. We proceed somewhere after our last class at 9 P.M. for practice, we manage to go home past midnight. For runners like me, I can only afford a 4-hour sleep because we meet up at 5 a.m to jog. Sometimes, I excuse myself from the cheerdance practice to accommodate the badminton and volleyball team rounds. I remember that there was a time where I joined both the cheerdance and group dance contests, whew! to add to all the sports that I'm already counted in, SO MUCH to take but by God's grace I adapted well.

In our class, I guess I'm the only one who is not a member of any fraternal or academic organization, Conflicts of Law was the best time for me to gain many friends in school specially that I am involved in almost every game. Since the parlor games require stamina and speed too, I am extra involved into those also (lobo run, sack race, planting straws and etc.)
 We were the champion also of that year in badminton. My teammates are Fredelyn, Alex and Randolf.

 Being a jack of all trades, poster making is also one of my interests. We won first here too :-) It is because my partner Elaine did it very well haha, Architects are good with these stuff. To God be the glory.

This was at the thanksgiving gathering. (most of them are Sigma members)

My volleyball team, Jiggy Lu was our team captain :-) I'm the official photographer of our batch which explains why I am usually not in the picture hehe
We brought home too the champion trophy.

We won first almost in every game. We were the over-all champion for two consecutive years. All of my medals in Ateneo were from Conflicts particularly in the individual games such as 100m dash. I was not heavy then and I am glad that I am getting back soon to said weight. So sad that I have not kept a single picture of all my running competitions. I used to have them in my old FB account which got corrupted and later inaccessible then totally gone.

 My last Conflicts in AdDU. The girls are my chikitings in our Bible Study Group
and we represent different teams.
(Nikki, Jonah, Luli, Leslie and me)

 This is not Conflicts but these are my lady lawyer friends and seniors.

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