Thursday, January 1, 2015

Zian Andrew

Yeliz (Turkish word for "beautiful" and a derivative of Liz which means "grace") 
Audrey (noble strength)
Zian (Riza and Ian-- Chinese for "inner peace") 
Andrew ( warrior or manly. In the bible, Andrew is known for drawing people to Christ as he invited his brother Simon to follow the Messiah and he led the lad who had 5 loaves and 2 fish in feeding the 5 thousand)

I spent 2 nights in the hospital to assist my sister-in-law and met 2015 in the same place.


Goy and I were Zian's first viewer in NICU where I only had 2 hours of sleep.

When Zian was brought in the room, I am the one who received him because the mother still has the needle plugged in her hand.
our dear visitors

  I love fireworks but nothing beats my great fondness over babies and toddlers.
My favorite age range of babies is 3mos-6mos.

Now, let me share to you what I learned from this experience. To be ready in giving birth, one must PREPARE the following:

1. Hygiene Kit
    a. alcohol
    b. bath soap, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrush, mouthwash
    c. wet wipes
    d. bathroom tissue
2. Packed at least 5 sets of clothes for the mother.
    a. maternity sanitary napkin
    b. wet wipes

3. Utensils
    a. disposable spoon, fork, plate
    b. dish washing paste and sponge
    c. bar soap
    d. paper towel
    e. mugs

4. Baby stuff
    a. clothes (cap, gloves, socks, cloth/blanket, bib)
    b. milk bottle
    c. cotton buds
    d. newborn diaper 

5. Food
   a. water
   b. biscuit
   c. coffee/Milo

6. Hospital documents
    a. Marriage certificate
    b. valid IDs
    c. Accomplished PhilHealth form for Baby delivery discounts
    d. Ballpen

7. Extras but necessary
   a. hanger
   b. towel
   c. plastic bags
   d. pillows
   e. blankets

8.  Book for the watcher :)
9. Prayer for a healthy baby and safe delivery by the mother.

God be praised for new lives :)

PS: 2014 ended that i have not shed a tear for that particular reason I had in mind hehe because I'm always flooded with reasons to smile. But I did cry while composing my year-end messages to my loved ones (tears of joy/gratitude/gratefulness) #Overwhelming blessings

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