Friday, January 9, 2015

Because we met


In countless times I’ve proven that You are good
In all those instances that I was faithless, You remained faithful
In loving me, it never depends on me but on who You are
In my frailties, Your mercy and grace always abound more

There is no way I could match Your holiness
My attempts would always be credited as filthy rags
Lying lips and murderous heart, I have
I curse, I complain

However, Your goodness compels me to repentance
Your blood could wash away every ounce of guilt I feel
Oh Your forgiveness, how it renews my strength is simply amazing
I am not only cleansed, I became the apple of  Your eye

Lord, how could You love me?
When I spend most of my life ignoring You,
You keep reaching out
When I am crazy blaming You when things go wrong
When I am but a fool in treating You a genie

Despite my nature, You never grow tired winning my love for You
Father God, thank You
After knowing You personally and intimately a decade ago
Please, never allow that I will go astray once again

Apart from Your presence is unimaginable
It would be a season of doom and dread
My greatest fear, I’ll forget who You are and who am I to You
That I’ll live my days as if I never knew You

If we did not meet, I would not know how I offend You
If we did not meet, I would not know how to please You
If we did not meet, I would not know how to live
If we did not meet, I would not know how to love

pic taken from


Sometimes you may wonder why life is so hard on you
You may entertain the thought that life is unfair
You may even accuse God punishing you

Different doors you tried entering to find relief
Counsels do not make an impact
Giving up is your next step

Appetite to eat abandoned you
Tears just cannot stop from flowing
It seems that nobody understands, nobody cares

My dear friend,
 Someone does care, does understand your brokenness
Get down on your knees and look up

See how orderly the stars hang in the heavens
How beautiful their twinkling
He who ordained them, loves you

His love is not only everlasting
It forgives, it gives life, it restores
It gives meaning to everything

Take courage my friend
Life struggles are not meant to put you down
They are miracles to draw You closer to Him

Trials make you look up
You see the majesty of His creation
Same hands that made them were pierced that you may live with hope

pic taken from


All along I am aware of the danger of proximity
How temptation lurks in darkness
With surging feelings, one may forget

A simple intimation to a causal joke
The want to be close grows
One day, hands may lock together

 (to be continued)

When the season is overwhelming, RECALL that:

pic taken from

and be strenghtened by His words, 

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