Tuesday, May 19, 2015


pic taken from pinterest

I do not how to work without involving my heart. In fact, I pour out my everything to the extent that I deprive myself of sleep and time for others. If carrying case folders on my back where I go, sleeping for at most 6 hours everyday, for spending my weekends working on the same paper---if this is not LOVE then I do not know what it is. I do not want to change my situation right now though it is really overwhelming enough causing me to burst into tears. I cry for help from God, that He will give me the strength and wisdom to come up with the best paper for the clients. I pray for favor that He will touch the heart of the justice who will assess the paper. May the judge see the merits of the case, discern the innocence of the accused that it will reverse the conviction. I cannot afford to witness a wrongful decision convicting the innocent and sending them to jail for the next 15 years. I feel what their wives are concerned about---- how difficult life would be for them to raise the children alone with meager income.  Even so, I must take these thoughts off my mind and fully believe that God will see us all through this. 

God shall be our victory.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Ha ha ha ha maraming first times o

Post celeb ng birthday ko, thanks to ECOFI Young Prof.

first time kong mag post b-day celeb,
first time ko magblow ng virtual candle
first time ko magconduct ng bible study with a group sa labas ng church na ako ay lawyer na.

Friday, May 15, 2015

May 15

... Yea, let God be true, but every man a liar ...
Romans 3:4

There are times when people say, ‘I prayed and nothing happened.’ ‘I had devotions and it’s not working.’ ‘I go to church and don’t receive anything.’ ‘I’m doing all the things Scripture tells me to, but it’s just not happening.’

And I have to respond in love, ‘You’re a liar because God promises that if we draw close to Him, He’ll draw close to us, (James 4:8). Therefore, somebody’s lying — and it’s not God.

Feeling a bit dry in my spirit and a bit distanced from the Lord in my heart, I grabbed my Bible Monday evening and strolled through Jacksonville, reading the books of Amos and Joel as I walked. And you know what happened? Even though Amos and Joel are far from lighthearted reading, I found myself smiling. Why? Because the Lord used His Word to minister to my heart in a beautifully satisfying way. Truly the Lord will meet anyone who will take time to open the Word and seek Him.

We're so fortunate, gang. We don’t have to answer everyone’s questions, or solve their problems. But with great confidence we can just tell them that if they seek Him, the Lord will draw near to them.

Rejoice and Give Thanks

MAY 15, 2015 ()
Bible Text: 1 Thessalonians 5:18 | 

Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:18

There are some folks who just don’t seem to get it! When things are really dark and dismal, they talk about rejoicing and giving thanks! Annoying, aren’t they? After all, when the lights go out, you are supposed to weep and howl, right? Just a minute! If the lights start to go out and you know that your father controls the switch, and he has told you that you won’t be left in darkness, it just isn’t the same. It’s like somebody dressed up as a bogeyman is trying to scare you when you know it’s just a jerk with a sheet over his head.

I never cease to be amazed at the insights Paul had to suffering and difficulty, which gave him the strength to survive the darkness of a prison cell and the difficulties which he constantly faced. In his letter to the Corinthians, this man opened his heart and told of the beatings, the rejection, and the hostilities which he faced. Floundering around on floating debris after your ship goes down isn’t exactly a Mediterranean cruise. He experienced all of that. Yet he called these “light and momentary troubles” (2 Corinthians 4:17). He made what I gripe about seem pretty insignificant.

Driving to Guidelines’ office, our car was rear-ended by a youthful driver whose license had long been suspended. But we escaped without any real physical damage. What’s a stiff neck compared to the concern of a young mother who says the doctor thinks her unborn baby will be a Down’s syndrome child, never able to live a normal life?

At times Paul despaired of even living, but he never called for euthanasia to become law to eliminate those difficult situations facing us in life. No way! Steadfastly he held to his conviction that “He who had begun a good work” in his life would continue that until he met his Savior. From a prison cell—not a resort hotel on a white sandy beach—he wrote, “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:4-7).

Either you have to be a religious fanatic, a sort of imbalanced lunatic, to write such things, or else you have to be possessed with a quiet certainty that God the Father runs your life, and that He is engineering the circumstances no matter how dark, no matter how desperate, no matter how much it seems that the bad guys are really running the show.

Friend, where are you in relationship to what drives away your joy and happiness? Someone said, “Under the circumstances I’m not too bad.” Circumstances, though, are like a heavy blanket which will smother you. God wants you to know—no matter what the circumstances—He’s above them and He wants you there too.

In every set of circumstances, in every situation, says Paul, I can praise and thank Him. Why? Because things are not going the way I want them to go? No, because God is above these difficulties and can and will use them for His glory. Others may mean it for evil, but God means it for good.

The knowledge that God is in control and that you belong to Him are tremendous attitude adjusters. They lift you out of the dungeon of self-pity and despair and help you to trust Him for just today. “Before you know it,” says a paraphrase of Philippians 4:6, “a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It's wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.” Yes, the dimension of faith makes all the difference.

Resource reading: Philippians 4

Thursday, May 14, 2015

To know is way far from to do

May 14

For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified.
Romans 2:13

I believe one of the great hazards for those who love to study the Scriptures, and who take seriously the privilege of plowing through God’s Word is this: We can begin to think that hearing the Word automatically implies obeying the Word. It’s a very subtle, but a very real danger.

How do you know if you’re obeying the Word?

If you’re grumpy, you’re not because Jesus said, ‘Happy are you if you do these things,’ (John 13:17). The word ‘happy’ in Greek means ‘happy’. It means ‘elated’. It speaks of emotion. You will be happy if you’re obeying the Word, but if you’re just hearing about it, or being analytical of it, you will not be happy. So Paul would say to the self righteous, to the Hebrew, to the biblical scholar, ‘It’s not what you hear or know, It’s what you do that will affect you.’

In your morning devotions, during Wednesday night study, in a Sunday morning service, or whenever you’re in the Word, ask the Lord to give you one thing to do. Not just to journal, or to ponder, but one thing through His Word to do by His Spirit. And happy will you be if you do it.

Reading the Bible itself must not be just a vain routine. When we open His word it is with the intention to truly seek His face and His heart for us. I am guilty of reading it for the sake of compliance :-(

Waiting is an important part of our devotional time where we stop for awhile to hear from Him within us. God speaks and may our ears are keen to His guidance. 

God is good. 

God answered

After spending hours browsing the web for decided cases which are supportive of my noted legal arguments but to no avail that I opted to post this in FB.

Jurisprudence PLEASE on the following:

1. Extraordinary power of the Supreme Court to review the FACTS of the case where an erroneous judgment was rendered by the lower courts (in the interest justice) Rule 65
2. Alibi/Denial is accommodated because it is well substantiated by the witnesses of the defense
3. Relationship between the accused and his witness does not instantly categorize the latter as biased
4. Parallelism/Congruence in the testimonies of the defense’ witnesses makes it credible and not rehearsed
5. Inconsistencies in the testimonies which do not pertain to the elements of the crime still effectively destroy the credibility of the witness and not merely a trivial matter
6. Non-disclosure of the Affidavit of the witness before taking the witness stand is not material


Yeah I was in the brink of breaking down and i know it was wrong because there is no way to spell what i was feeling but WORRY. If I truly believe that God is with me on this paper then I should not be moved when my efforts seem to be nil.

Guess what? no one commented on my FB and no one sent a PM, in short I did not get the help that i badly needed.


A very good friend of mine called up-- a dear ate in the Lord. She works in DOJ Manila. The call was about offering me a job in Davao in a gov't agency which she told me to pray about it. Grabbing the chance to consult an expert on criminal justice that I relayed my dilemma------------yeeha! she gave me a decided case that is compatible to this one I'm working on and I'm nearly done reading it.. Quite a long case consisting of 100+ pages due to the dissenting and concurring opinions.

That christian ate of mine---> has no FB account. Now I'm seeing God's miraculous touch on my situation :-)

I just discovered that the client is assigned to the nearest police station to my place :-) Hmm :-) I have someone to wave to the soonest I'll get back on the tracks.

Clients are friends too and are brothers and sisters in the Lord :-)

back to work now.

eye bags, that's what i get for staying up late at night almost everyday.
ganun talaga basta ibinibigay ang lahat, later ko na mamahalin ang sarili ko :-) sa ngayon ay ang mga mahal kong kliyente muna pero higit sa lahat si Lord :-)

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

It is my fave sibling's birthday today

As i could not send him cake, balloons and ice cream
May a photo album be a good substitute then
Not only pictures but also heartfelt composed poems :-)

Monday, May 11, 2015

Rush and Hush

My blood raises and my heart pounds hard. I cannot control my tears from falling. Once again I am desperate for something that I will insist on God to be His will. He is perfect and so are His ways. With His unfailing love and overflowing mercy and grace-----> I beg Him to help my clients to be freed from this injustice they were suffering from for the last 15 years.

This Certiorari is now 20/50 plus pages but I cannot seem to organize my thoughts yet how to present well the strong arguments favorable to the clients. So help me, God.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Daily Devotional
May 10

Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ ... 
Romans 1:1 

The word ‘servant’ is ‘doulos’, meaning ‘bondslave’. Exodus 21:2 sheds light on what this means: In Israel, a slave was required to serve only six years before he was set free. If, however, at the end of six years, he said, ‘I like it here. I want to become a bondslave,’ the master would drive a nail through his right earlobe and place an earring in it, signifying he was a doulos, a slave by choice.

It’s a wise decision to give yourself fully to the Lord as His bondslave because He takes excellent care of those committed to Him. Their lives are filled with purpose and focus; their hearts with peace and joy.

Perhaps you're saying, ‘I’m my own man — captain of my destiny, master of my fate. I don’t serve anyone.’ But reality says otherwise. Everyone will serve someone. Bob Dylan was right: ‘It may be the devil, or it may be the Lord, but you gotta serve somebody.’ And Paul made a wise decision indeed when he chose to serve the Lord.

Dux' Thoughts

When we commit to be His bondslave, in effect, He owns our lives and He alone directs the way we should live. Studying, working and serving others feel light if we do them for our faithful and good master.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

HAPPY Sunday

Daily Devotional

May 9

And some believed the things which were spoken, and some believed not.
Acts 28:24

Some believed and some didn’t. That’s still the way it is — even among Christians.

You see, we as believers know our sins are forgiven. We know Jesus is the Messiah, and that we’ll soon be with Him in Heaven. Yet in the meantime, we might be in hellish situations of depression, defeat, and despair because of unbelief.

The Word of God says, ‘In everything give thanks,’ (1 Thessalonians 5:18). Why? Because all things are working together for good (Romans 8:28).

‘Oh, but you haven’t seen the stack of bills on my desk, we say.
Well, the Word says, ‘My God shall supply all your need according to His riches,’ (Philippians 4:19).

‘Yeah, but you don’t understand the hurt I feel because she dumped me,’ we say.
The Bible says even if she meant it for evil, God will use it for good (see Genesis 50:20).

‘But I feel so bad about my son. He’s not walking with the Lord,’ we say.
The Bible says we can be confident that He Who began a good work in him will perform it until the day of Christ Jesus — He’ll finish what He started (Philippians 1:6).

Some Christians believe what God says and some don’t. Those who don’t, find themselves engulfed in despair, defeat, discouragement. You see, it’s not enough just to know the Scriptures, gang. It’s not enough just to hear the Word. It’s not enough just to come to Bible study. You and I must believe. And ‘believe’ is not a noun — it’s a verb.

We can be the happiest, most carefree people in the world if we believe — and act on that belief. You might know the Scriptures backward and forward — but Jesus said, ‘Happy are you if you do them,’ (John 13:17).

It’s what you do — not what you know that matters, and it all begins by saying, ‘Today I’m going to believe that God is working, and that He is fulfilling what He has promised. You are faithful, Lord; and I will live in that today. I will proclaim Your faithfulness; and I will choose to rejoice in You.


Joy indeed is a serious business in heaven. Why would anyone want to go there if not for the eternal joy it promises? As written in the Bible,  in the presence of the Lord there is fullness of joy.

What makes heaven as heaven is God and this loving God we serve lives with us here on earth through His spirit. Not only on earth but God desires to dwell in the temples of our hearts and in every corner of our souls. Therefore if we Jesus in us and we grow in our relationship with Him then joy is reflected on our persons. 

Nothing in this world could make us truly happy apart from the Lord. A source of bliss that is lasting and not dependent on the circumstance.

Personally, I struggle with those who are fond of being "tampororots" though I myself become one at times but I do not take the offense deeply to the extent that it dictates my mood and if it sunk into my system, God is quick to poke me to shake it off :-D 

Therefore, we should not fool ourselves that its people or any material thing that would fill that emptiness we feel within. As long as God remains our first love then the storms of life will not shake us. Imperfect people like ourselves should never be our world because they will never be able to complete us. We will carry ourselves complete and joyful so that we have so much to give. It is hard to be selfless when we ourselves feel the void or lack. 

Wherever I may go, I will wear that smile and by God's grace to be able to refrain from frowning. Having a relationship with Christ is a source of joy like no other and this overflows in our relationships with other people. 

A full understanding of what Jesus did on the cross, being totally selfless, to show us all the unconditional love of the Father will enable us to do just the same as He did. Thinking less of satisfying our wants, thinking less of ourselves and thinking more of how to please the Lord and how to be a blessing to others.  Am I this person everyday? Honestly, NO, but I pray to God to be consistent and ask for mercy when I spent the day for my selfish interests. 

God wants us to enjoy life and how do we define "enjoy" varies but what is important is that we remain in His will. I love food, leisure activities, music jams and many others that make me human but when I engage them in my routine and desires--- they should point towards God's goodness. I play badminton and I jog so that I stay healthy. Staying in good shape matters when we serve the Lord because sickness slows us down in what we do. However, if we are stricken with illness as we are not immune from it as Christians then it is another avenue to trust and rest in the Lord. 

Whatever shall be our circumstance---whether it is rolling, backstroking or in a full stop----IT DOES NOT MATTER because God remains the same :-) 

Happy Sunday :-)

Because you have JOY in you and it is GOD'S WILL that we remain rejoicing at all times according to 

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Rejoice always,
pray without ceasing, 
in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

a thankful heart is reflected on our face therefore smile :-)

Pano kami malipat sa Ginoo kun mapasalamaton kami sa Iya nga ikaw amon nanay?
Maayo mag-atiman, mapalangga-on kag pasensyosa kaya ok lang kun kuripot gamay
Maglawig pa tani kabuhi mo para damo kami tyansa kaserbisyo balik sa imo
Asta matapos oras namon diri sa kalibutan, hindi gid malipatan imo mga sakripisyo

Antok na ako. next time nalang ang details

Thursday, May 7, 2015


Daily Devotional

May 7
And the soldiers’ counsel was to kill the prisoners, lest any of them should swim out, and escape. But the centurion, willing to save Paul, kept them from their purpose; and commanded that they which could swim should cast themselves first into the sea, and get to land: And the rest, some on boards, and some on broken pieces of the ship. And so it came to pass, that they escaped all safe to land.
Acts 27:42-44
Just as the Lord promised, everyone on board survived the storm. Following are four reasons why storms come into our lives ...

1. Storms of correction. Ask brother Jonah about these. When a storm arose and he was tossed overboard and swallowed by a great fish, it was because he was rebelling against the Lord (Jonah 1: 10). So too, sometimes when I’m in a place of disobedience or rebellion, the Lord will allow a storm to get me on track again.

2. Storms of perfection. After Jesus fed the five thousand, He sent His disciples across the Sea of Galilee (Matthew 14). Midway through their journey, a storm arose around them. Why? For their perfection. You see, Jesus knew it wouldn’t be too many months before these same disciples would see another multitude of five thousand — not fed, but saved (Acts 4:4) — followed by another storm — not on the sea, but of persecution within the Church (Acts 8:1). Thus, Jesus was training His boys to endure the storms of persecution which inevitably follow the seasons of blessing.

Faith is not a pill we take, folks. It’s a muscle we work. Therefore, the Lord will send me into a storm from time to time not for correction, but for perfection because the way I react to storms internally will tell me where I’m at spiritually. Storms provide unique opportunity for me to see where I’m at, and to grow in my understanding that the Lord will come through at the right time, saying, ‘Be of good cheer. We’re going to make it.’

3. Storms of protection. Because ‘Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord,’ (Genesis 6:8), God sent a storm to drown out all of the carnality, sin, and iniquity which surrounded him. The storm raged for forty days and nights, but Noah and his family were not only protected in the storm — they were protected by the storm.

‘Oh, no!’ we cry. ‘My TV blew up,’ or ‘My stereo doesn’t work. What a storm I’m in.’ But, as in Noah’s case, it might be a storm of protection — protecting us from the carnality and iniquity which surround us continually.

4. Storms of direction. Knowing there was a group of people on the island of Malta in need of ministry, the Lord said, ‘Before you go to Rome, Paul, I’m going to allow you to be blown off course because of something I want you to do for Me — something you never would have thought of on your own, something that wasn’t part of your agenda. I have some people to whom I want to minister, so I’ll allow a storm to arise, which, although it looks like it’s blowing you off course, will put you in the very place I want to use you.’

‘How come I got canned?’
‘Why did she dump me?’
‘How come it’s not working out?’ we ask.

Don’t be blown away. Realize that the Lord is changing your direction because there’s something He wants to do that will ultimately be a blessing.

Storms of correction and perfection, storms of protection and direction — how can you know which one you might be in? Talk to the Father. Say, ‘Why am I in this storm, Lord? Is it correction — or are You perfecting me for what You see is coming my way? Is there a new direction for my life — or are You protecting me from something which would be very damaging?’

How long has it been since you got away to spend time with the Lord? Clear your schedule and seek Him — and you’ll be blown away by His goodness, rather than by the storm.

There is nothing i can add unto this devo. I am blessed reading it. God is good.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

I BELIEVE THERE IS MORE (With Lyrics) : Don Moen

When my world is so toxic, I am glad that I could find peace and comfort in His word and in songs like this one of Don Moen. Above the blessings and more blessings, we should joyfully seek and enjoy the Blesser :-)  God is good.

Sin in progress

Daily Devotional
May 5
But after two years, Porcius Festus came into Felix’ room; and Felix, willing to shew the Jews a pleasure, left Paul bound.
Acts 24:27
Felix and his wife, Drusilla, both had an opportunity to hear the Gospel, but they put off making a decision. This is not surprising. Eighty-two percent of all Christians are saved at the age of nineteen or younger. The lower the age, the higher the percentage of those who make a commitment to Jesus Christ. Why? Because a person who puts off a decision, saying,

‘I’ll think about it;
I’ll wait until later;
I want more information,’

Will find himself falling into a pattern that becomes more and more difficult to break.

He trembles when He says No to the Holy Spirit the first time.
The next time he hears the Gospel and says No, he trembles less.
The third time, it’s pretty easy to say No.
The fourth time it’s a piece of cake.

This happens not only when the Spirit is convicting unbelievers, but also when He convicts Christians. The first time we are tempted to do wrong, we tremble. The second time the temptation comes our way, it still kind of bothers us, but not as much as it did the first time. The third time bothers us a little less. And the fourth time, giving in to temptation doesn’t bother us at all.

Folks, the conscience must be guarded very carefully because it can become seared very easily (1 Timothy 4:2). In fact, not only will our conscience become seared, or desensitized, it will become evil (Hebrews 10:22), justifying wrong by whispering to us, ‘Don’t worry about what you’re doing, or the show you’re watching. That’s simply the way society is. There’s nothing wrong with it. It’s just life.’

Felix and Drusilla went from having a tender conscience — shaken when they felt the convicting work of the Spirit (Acts 24:25), to having a seared conscience — when they didn’t tremble quite so easily, to having an evil conscience — where they were only interested in making a deal monetarily. The result? Their lives were destroyed and they were damned eternally.

You might be saying, ‘What if I’m doing things which used to bother me, but don’t anymore? What if I have a seared or an evil conscience? Is there any hope for me?’

Yes. The Lord is so faithful. He comes to us over and over again, giving us opportunity to get right with Him. But in Genesis 6:3, God said, ‘My spirit shall not always strive with man. I’ll come to you. I’ll speak to you. But I’m not always going to wrestle with you.’

Therefore, if you are so graced to hear His voice in your heart speaking to you about an issue — don’t follow the folly of Felix. Respond immediately and you’ll be blessed eternally.

You really will.

Psalm 1:1
Blessed is the man
Who walks
not in the counsel of the ungodly,
Nor stands in the path of sinners,
Nor sits in the seat of the scornful;

It starts with listening to ungodly advice or soliciting opinions from people who do not have a relationship with Jesus. What you would get from them are counsels that do not go with God's ways and simply full of the world's foolishness. Opinions that if followed would lead you to more pain and danger and farther from the truth.

After listening, you will find yourself taking time to STAND in the path of sinners. Standing is understood to be CONSIDERING to take the path that leads to death. Standing is identifying yourself with your choice. Whose stand are you taking? What ideology are you bringing in the streets?

The danger of frequently hanging out with the ungodly is callousness over sin grows with it. The discomfort of offending the Lord loses its flavor and convenience in missing the mark comes forth. In the end, you will find yourself comfortable, being seated, as the scornful. Instead of being a channel of blessing or a person that points others to Christ, you will be one of the world, another person who gives ungodly counsel to others.

There is nothing wrong with having ungodly friends and acquaintances
because Christ himself was a friend of the sinners. We should be in the world but not of the world.
Romans 12:2
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

We are in this world for missions:
1.  To let others know of His saving grace
2.  To be a blessing to others in our words and deeds
3.  To bring glory to God with the way we live

To experience love and to share love---that's our calling. God is love and love never fails.

Monday, May 4, 2015

I insist

God is the author of truth and justice therefore I beg Him to extend His favor upon this case I'm working on lately. It is heartbreaking that they will be imprisoned for a deed they never did. I do not dictate God as to what to do but I am desperate for His hands work on the matter. While my compassion for the accused surges, I know that of God abounds more. 

I am sick, this fever has been bothering me for two days already. I hope to get well soon that I can pour my best once again in this another case which calls for truth and justice to prevail. I need extra big faith to get me through this month.

I will resume with my personal concerns like losing weight on June. As for now, let me dedicate my everything for others. So help me God. 

Double the Deal: HS and JC

Getting the Big Rocks in First

MAY 4, 2015 (ENGLISH)
Bible Text: Amos 3:3 | Dr. Harold J. Sala
Series: The Guidelines Commentary

Can two walk together, except they be agreed? Amos 3:3, KJV

In their book, First Things First, author Stephen Covey and his associate authors tell about attending a seminar where the instructor was lecturing on the importance of planning time. To impress his audience with the point he was making, the instructor took a wide-mouth jar or cylinder and filled it with fist-size rocks. Then he asked, “Is the jar full?” Noticing that no more large rocks could be placed in the jar, everybody nodded his head in the affirmative.

Then the instructor reached beneath the podium and took a bucket of gravel and poured it over the large rocks, shook it down in the cracks, and asked again, “Is the jar full?” This time everyone hesitated. Knowing they missed the first answer, they said, “Probably not!”

Right! Then he took a container of sand and poured it over the gravel until it sifted down and filled the remaining space. Same question: “Is the jar full?” Obviously no takers responded.

Then he took a pitcher of water and poured it in filling the entire jar with water. With finality the lecturer turned to his students and said, “Now, what’s the point?” Someone responded that the obvious moral was that you could always get more into your life. “No,” he countered, saying the real moral is that if you don’t get the big rocks in first, you’ll never get them in later.

This is true of parenting just as it is true in planning your time. Behavioral psychologists say that a child learns half of everything he will know by age 3; three fourths by age seven. It is during that impressionable period of a youngster’s life that you are laying the foundation, placing the big rocks of life upon which everything else is built.

Seldom if ever does a parent realize how great is his responsibility when he wraps a baby tightly in a blanket and takes him home from the hospital. What happens in those early months and years determines to a large degree what kind of development emotionally, physically, and spiritually will follow in the life of a youngster.

What are some of those foundation stones which a life is built upon? Try these six for a solid foundation. #1--Commitment. #2--Care. #3--Communication. #4--Cohesiveness. #5--Constraint, and #6--Conveying what really counts--faith and values.

First--the importance of your commitment as a parent. Though my heart goes out to every single parent who lays a foundation alone, by and large, kids come with two hands and two feet, and require two parents to keep up with them. Parenting is basically a two-person task, and when two individuals love each other and are committed to their offspring, they provide the environment which enables growth and nurturing. Their model becomes a sex-education course, a role model, a set of values. Long ago, Amos, the prophet of old, asked the question, “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” (Amos 3:3), and the obvious answer is no.

To what should parents commit? First--to each other. The best thing a dad can do for his children is to love their mother. They also need to commit to a set of values, deciding what is important, what is non-negotiable, and then live that value system. Finally, parents need to commit to serve the living God, bringing a taste of heaven into their home. “Seldom if ever,” wrote a juvenile court judge in a personal letter, “do I see a boy of girl in my court who has had the benefit of religious training.”

Getting those big rocks planted in the foundation is important--very important.

Resource reading: Psalm 127:1-2


Proverbs 22:6
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

May 4

... Of righteousness ...
Acts 24:25

Felix and Drusilla were not righteous. Their life was filthy, their history diabolical. They were not liked by the people they ruled and were not trusted by even their own household of slaves, servants, and companions. But Paul must have told them that if any man be in Christ he is a new creature. Old things pass away; all things become new (2 Corinthians 5). ‘Felix, Drusilla, you can have a new beginning. You can become righteous in Christ Jesus,’ Paul must have said.

When I was saved, not only did Jesus come into me but just as wonderful, just as fabulous, is the fact that I was hidden in Him (Colossians 3:3). Therefore, when the Father looks at me, He doesn’t see sin. He sees Jesus.

When a believer finally understands this concept, how his walk will change. No longer will he think, ‘God won’t listen to me, or be kind to me because I’m such an idiot.’ No, he’ll say, ‘When God looks at me He doesn’t see my sin. He sees His Son.’


Isaiah 61:10
I will greatly rejoice in the Lord,
My soul shall be joyful in my God;
For He has clothed me with the garments of salvation,
He has covered me with the robe of righteousness,
As a bridegroom decks himself with ornaments,
And as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

He knows everything

Daily Devotional
May 2
And they came to the chief priests and elders, and said, We have bound ourselves under a great curse, that we will eat nothing until we have slain Paul. Now therefore ye with the council signify to the chief captain that he bring him down unto you tomorrow, as though ye would enquire something more perfectly concerning him: and we, or ever he come near, are ready to kill him. And when Paul’s sister’s son heard of their lying in wait, he went and entered into the castle and told Paul.
Acts 23:14-16
It was neither coincidence nor accident that Paul’s nephew was in earshot of the plan to kill Paul, it was part of God’s program for Paul.

At some point in their walk, most believers ask, 'How can I know what God wants me to do?’ And, like Elijah in 1 Kings 19, they sit in a cave, wondering. Like Elijah, they feel the earth shaking — but the Lord is not in the earthquake. They see the fire glowing — but the Lord is not in the fire. They watch the wind blowing — but the Lord is not in the wind. Many people are still looking for an earth-shaking confirmation, a fiery illumination, or a wind to blow them in Divine direction.

But it’s much simpler than that. As Elijah discovered, God’s is a still, small voice (1 Kings 19:12). The Lord whispers in your heart, writes desires upon your heart, and then gives confirmation to your heart through situations and people around you. Accuse me of being simplistic, but I find it so wonderful to say, ‘Father, this is the desire of my heart. I’m going to pursue this course, knowing You will close and open doors — as You lead me in a supernaturally natural way.’

For whatever question you face presently, just make sure your heart is open to the Lord — and He’ll have a nephew in the right place at the right time who will overhear a conversation, go to the Roman captain, and set events in motion which the world will call luck, but in which you’ll see the hand of God.


God is omniscient, He knows all the stars by name 
Nothing escapes His attention. 
God's greatness is incomparable to anything, 
But He loves us, we who are specks in this vast creation and He is aware of our situation. 

Our role, is simply to trust and obey 
To take a step of faith each waking moment 
Not to waver when storms hit the ground 
Knowing that God sits on the throne. 

These little things that bother us 
These monstrous concerns that rob our peace of mind 
Will be kissed away if we focus on Jesus 
Did He not tell us, love casts out all fears?

Therefore, let us navigate this life for His glory,
We will read His word, that on Jesus road we stay,
We will keep our ears open to that small voice,
That His will shall be our choice.

About Following Jesus Christ

MAY 1, 2015 (ENGLISH)
Bible Text: Matthew 16:24 | Dr. Harold J. Sala
Series: The Guidelines Commentary


Then Jesus said to his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.” Matthew 16:24

Let’s face it. Jesus did a lot of things differently from the way we would have done them. Say, for example, when He recruited the band of fishermen, a tax collector, small businessmen, to help change the world. He walked by and simply said, “Follow me!” That was it--neither more nor less–unless you add the words, “And I will make you to be fishers of men!”

I think that had I had that responsibility, I would, perhaps, have said, “OK, let’s sit down and think through the requirements for this task. Let’s start with theology. What’s important? Write it down. Then let’s talk about lifestyle. You know I detest people making money off the poor people, so let’s ask our followers to make a commitment to a lifestyle of simplicity—no fancy cars or condominiums overlooking the Mediterranean. And so forth.”

In the couple of minutes which remain on today’s edition of Guidelines, may I point out four things about following Him who called twelve men to change the world?
1. Following Jesus is a day-by-day, one-step-at-a-time sort of experience. The longest journey in the world is accomplished one step at a time. Mt. Everest, the highest mountain on this planet, is also climbed one step at a time. But following Jesus is akin to following someone in a dungeon or dark cave who carries a torch. As long as you stay close to him, you have enough light to see where you are going, but lag behind and you are immediately engulfed in darkness. No wonder Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. He who follows me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of life” (John 8:12).
2. Following Jesus Christ is rather scary until you understand He is more powerful than any storm which will ever confront you. Matthew records how on a certain occasion a scribe (that’s a teacher of the law) came to Jesus and said, “I’ll follow you wherever you go,” but his was an empty boast. There is no record that he ever followed anywhere. A second said, “I’ll follow you, too, but first I must go bury my father.” Again nothing indicates that person ever got around to joining the parade. But the disciples did follow, and that was into the face of a terrible storm. The bottom line is that you are going to face the storm in life whether or not you follow Christ. The only difference is whether or not He is in the boat with you, or you are all alone on the dark ocean of life. Matthew 8 tells us that Jesus rebuked the storm and peace came to the troubled waters.
3. Following Jesus Christ is challenging. He told them that if they would follow Him, they must deny themselves, take up their cross daily and follow Him (Luke 9:23). Anyone who carries his cross has no agenda apart from that of the one He follows. If that isn’t challenging, nothing is.
4. But then following Him is rewarded. “I will make you fishers of men,” He promised those who had walked away from their nets. If you enjoy sports fishing, you’ll agree that battling the big one is exciting. Seeing a fish dance on the water, testing his mettle against your ability is challenging, but once you land the big one, what do you have? A fishing story and a dead fish in the bottom of the boat. But when you fish for men and land a big one, you have a trophy of grace, a living testimony to the fact that Jesus Christ still changes the lives of those who will leave their nets and follow Him.

He still challenges men and women, saying, “Follow me!” It’s the adventure of a lifetime.

Resource reading: Matthew 16


The greatest achievement in life is to know the truth in Jesus and embrace it for the rest of our lives. Following Jesus is never easy for the world will hate us but we must brave our calling because apart from Jesus is death  and nothing more. 

it is more than a jewel
the truth itself is life and meaning
yes we have them, in Jesus our dear King

so do not quit following,
there is no other safe  and joyful road.
at the Shepherd's side, your last breath on earth is your first in heaven

while you live, take it to the streets
the gospel and the miracles
let the people see how gracious and mighty this perfect one we call Jesus Christ.

Go take that step of Faith

May 1
And the Lord said unto me, Arise, and go into Damascus; and there it shall be told thee of all things which are appointed for thee to do.
Acts 22:10
‘Go into the city, Paul, and when you get there, further instructions will be given.’ That’s always the way of the Lord: One step at a time. He gives His people one instruction, and waits until they obey it before more information is given.

In the midst of a great revival taking place through Philip’s ministry in Samaria, the Lord told him to go to Gaza. Philip obeyed, and the Ethiopian eunuch was saved (Acts 8).

While Peter was praying on his rooftop, the Lord instructed him to follow three men who would knock on his door. Peter obeyed, and the house of Cornelius was converted (Acts 10).

The Lord called Abraham from Ur, and told him to follow Him one step at a time. Abraham obeyed, and a nation was born (Hebrews 11:8).

Every time the Lord calls a man or a woman, every time He wants to bless someone, He does it by encouraging them to take a step of faith. Many times a lot of us miss out on years, or even a lifetime, of being in God’s will because we don’t act on the singular instruction He gives us. Precious people, we must obey the one thing the Lord has made known to us either through His Word, through times of prayer, or through the desires He has placed within our hearts.

If we knew how it was going to work — it wouldn’t be faith.

If we knew where the supplies would come from — it wouldn’t be faith.
If we had it all mapped out — it wouldn’t be faith.

Faith says, ‘Okay, Lord. Like Abraham I don’t know exactly how it’s all going to work out — but here we go!’

In 1 Samuel 14, the Israelites were at a stand-off in a battle against the Philistines. Perhaps looking up at the stars one night, Jonathan was reminded that the Creator Who made such beauty and displayed such glory was with him constantly. Perhaps pondering God’s promise that one could chase one thousand and two could put to flight ten thousand if they were in God’s will (Deuteronomy 32:30), he poked his armor-bearer and said, ‘Let’s sneak over to the Philistine camp, and see what the Lord might want to do.’

So while the other guys snoozed, Jonathan and his armor-bearer made their way to the camp of the Philistines. As they approached the Philistine garrison, Jonathan said to his armor-bearer, ‘Now wait a minute. We want to be men of faith, but we don’t want to be fools. I’ll yell to the Philistines, and if they say, ‘Stay there, you guys. We see you, and we’re coming to get you,’ — we’ll split and make our way back to camp as fast as we can. But, if they say, ‘Come up here you guys. We’ll take you on’ — we’ll take that as a word from the Lord, and we’ll go get them.’

That’s the way I believe the Christian life should be lived: by taking steps of faith without being foolish. We should put on our armor, get ready for battle, go out to the edge and say, ‘Here we are, Lord. What do You want to do?’

Jonathan called out. The Philistine answered, ‘Hey, come up here and we’ll teach you guys a lesson,’ — and Jonathan said to his armor-bearer, ‘God is with us. Let’s go get ’em.’

God was indeed with them, and a great, miraculous victory took place that day, when two guys took on an entire army — and won.

Stepping out in faith and yet always being willing to pull back if God isn’t in it — that’s the key. Step out in faith — but if you sense the Lord’s not in it, re-group, and see what else He might want to do. Be a Jonathan. Take a step of faith. You’ll never regret it.
daily devotional series of Pastor Jon Courson

COVER: KMNABK by NC and Chinito of YC

I never wanted that I will be left behind
I never imagined it would happen to me
Life must go when you're gone with no intention of returning
However,  it does not mean that everything is taken easy and lightly 
For I struggled to keep my heart steady.

Behind the smiles and positive attitude
Is a heart hoping to be healed
A mind trying not understand what went wrong
A soul that looked onward 
A hopeful self, every pain ends.

God knows how much I beg Him to take it away from me 
I could not keep him who says "I love you" to someone else
Above all, I must start all over again for the sake of my prince
He must find me as though I never loved someone before him
I long for that relationship where people will note it a "blessing".

As one cannot hurry love, so is moving on.
My ultimate prayer after all, 
Father, let Your will be done :-)
At whatever angle life is to be seen, 
One conclusion is true, God is good all the time.

Only time would reveal the wisdom behind my story
A dear prince could have been praying hard for my hand
In setting me aside for him, God heard him well
I do not know who shall be my lifetime partner
But I'm sure we will live, serve and worship God together.

Naku cenxa talaga sa pitchy singing na ito hehehe
Biglang sumingit ang babysitting sa aking pagbabasa, karaoke naisip kong pang entertain kay Zian :-) di naman pumalag.

There is so much fun capturing moments like those two above :-) bahala na di pang recording ang pagkanta basta nakakataba ng puso.