May 9
And some believed the things which were spoken, and some believed not.
Acts 28:24
Some believed and some didn’t. That’s still the way it is — even among Christians.
You see, we as believers know our sins are forgiven. We know Jesus is the Messiah, and that we’ll soon be with Him in Heaven. Yet in the meantime, we might be in hellish situations of depression, defeat, and despair because of unbelief.
The Word of God says, ‘In everything give thanks,’ (1 Thessalonians 5:18). Why? Because all things are working together for good (Romans 8:28).
‘Oh, but you haven’t seen the stack of bills on my desk, we say.
Well, the Word says, ‘My God shall supply all your need according to His riches,’ (Philippians 4:19).
‘Yeah, but you don’t understand the hurt I feel because she dumped me,’ we say.
The Bible says even if she meant it for evil, God will use it for good (see Genesis 50:20).
‘But I feel so bad about my son. He’s not walking with the Lord,’ we say.
The Bible says we can be confident that He Who began a good work in him will perform it until the day of Christ Jesus — He’ll finish what He started (Philippians 1:6).
Some Christians believe what God says and some don’t. Those who don’t, find themselves engulfed in despair, defeat, discouragement. You see, it’s not enough just to know the Scriptures, gang. It’s not enough just to hear the Word. It’s not enough just to come to Bible study. You and I must believe. And ‘believe’ is not a noun — it’s a verb.
We can be the happiest, most carefree people in the world if we believe — and act on that belief. You might know the Scriptures backward and forward — but Jesus said, ‘Happy are you if you do them,’ (John 13:17).
It’s what you do — not what you know that matters, and it all begins by saying, ‘Today I’m going to believe that God is working, and that He is fulfilling what He has promised. You are faithful, Lord; and I will live in that today. I will proclaim Your faithfulness; and I will choose to rejoice in You.
Joy indeed is a serious business in heaven. Why would anyone want to go there if not for the eternal joy it promises? As written in the Bible, in the presence of the Lord there is fullness of joy.
What makes heaven as heaven is God and this loving God we serve lives with us here on earth through His spirit. Not only on earth but God desires to dwell in the temples of our hearts and in every corner of our souls. Therefore if we Jesus in us and we grow in our relationship with Him then joy is reflected on our persons.
Nothing in this world could make us truly happy apart from the Lord. A source of bliss that is lasting and not dependent on the circumstance.
Personally, I struggle with those who are fond of being "tampororots" though I myself become one at times but I do not take the offense deeply to the extent that it dictates my mood and if it sunk into my system, God is quick to poke me to shake it off :-D
Therefore, we should not fool ourselves that its people or any material thing that would fill that emptiness we feel within. As long as God remains our first love then the storms of life will not shake us. Imperfect people like ourselves should never be our world because they will never be able to complete us. We will carry ourselves complete and joyful so that we have so much to give. It is hard to be selfless when we ourselves feel the void or lack.
Wherever I may go, I will wear that smile and by God's grace to be able to refrain from frowning. Having a relationship with Christ is a source of joy like no other and this overflows in our relationships with other people.
A full understanding of what Jesus did on the cross, being totally selfless, to show us all the unconditional love of the Father will enable us to do just the same as He did. Thinking less of satisfying our wants, thinking less of ourselves and thinking more of how to please the Lord and how to be a blessing to others. Am I this person everyday? Honestly, NO, but I pray to God to be consistent and ask for mercy when I spent the day for my selfish interests.
God wants us to enjoy life and how do we define "enjoy" varies but what is important is that we remain in His will. I love food, leisure activities, music jams and many others that make me human but when I engage them in my routine and desires--- they should point towards God's goodness. I play badminton and I jog so that I stay healthy. Staying in good shape matters when we serve the Lord because sickness slows us down in what we do. However, if we are stricken with illness as we are not immune from it as Christians then it is another avenue to trust and rest in the Lord.
Whatever shall be our circumstance---whether it is rolling, backstroking or in a full stop----IT DOES NOT MATTER because God remains the same :-)
Happy Sunday :-)
Because you have JOY in you and it is GOD'S WILL that we remain rejoicing at all times according to
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Rejoice always,
pray without ceasing,
in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
a thankful heart is reflected on our face therefore smile :-)