Thursday, May 14, 2015

God answered

After spending hours browsing the web for decided cases which are supportive of my noted legal arguments but to no avail that I opted to post this in FB.

Jurisprudence PLEASE on the following:

1. Extraordinary power of the Supreme Court to review the FACTS of the case where an erroneous judgment was rendered by the lower courts (in the interest justice) Rule 65
2. Alibi/Denial is accommodated because it is well substantiated by the witnesses of the defense
3. Relationship between the accused and his witness does not instantly categorize the latter as biased
4. Parallelism/Congruence in the testimonies of the defense’ witnesses makes it credible and not rehearsed
5. Inconsistencies in the testimonies which do not pertain to the elements of the crime still effectively destroy the credibility of the witness and not merely a trivial matter
6. Non-disclosure of the Affidavit of the witness before taking the witness stand is not material


Yeah I was in the brink of breaking down and i know it was wrong because there is no way to spell what i was feeling but WORRY. If I truly believe that God is with me on this paper then I should not be moved when my efforts seem to be nil.

Guess what? no one commented on my FB and no one sent a PM, in short I did not get the help that i badly needed.


A very good friend of mine called up-- a dear ate in the Lord. She works in DOJ Manila. The call was about offering me a job in Davao in a gov't agency which she told me to pray about it. Grabbing the chance to consult an expert on criminal justice that I relayed my dilemma------------yeeha! she gave me a decided case that is compatible to this one I'm working on and I'm nearly done reading it.. Quite a long case consisting of 100+ pages due to the dissenting and concurring opinions.

That christian ate of mine---> has no FB account. Now I'm seeing God's miraculous touch on my situation :-)

I just discovered that the client is assigned to the nearest police station to my place :-) Hmm :-) I have someone to wave to the soonest I'll get back on the tracks.

Clients are friends too and are brothers and sisters in the Lord :-)

back to work now.

eye bags, that's what i get for staying up late at night almost everyday.
ganun talaga basta ibinibigay ang lahat, later ko na mamahalin ang sarili ko :-) sa ngayon ay ang mga mahal kong kliyente muna pero higit sa lahat si Lord :-)

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