Tuesday, May 19, 2015


pic taken from pinterest

I do not how to work without involving my heart. In fact, I pour out my everything to the extent that I deprive myself of sleep and time for others. If carrying case folders on my back where I go, sleeping for at most 6 hours everyday, for spending my weekends working on the same paper---if this is not LOVE then I do not know what it is. I do not want to change my situation right now though it is really overwhelming enough causing me to burst into tears. I cry for help from God, that He will give me the strength and wisdom to come up with the best paper for the clients. I pray for favor that He will touch the heart of the justice who will assess the paper. May the judge see the merits of the case, discern the innocence of the accused that it will reverse the conviction. I cannot afford to witness a wrongful decision convicting the innocent and sending them to jail for the next 15 years. I feel what their wives are concerned about---- how difficult life would be for them to raise the children alone with meager income.  Even so, I must take these thoughts off my mind and fully believe that God will see us all through this. 

God shall be our victory.

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