Monday, February 14, 2011

no class on valentines day

making bouquets can be learned overnight and can make one very tired. we honed the skill out of more or less 20 dozens of roses. i hope they sold everything. i thought it was profitable because the selling price was 2x the cost of the materials but after a day's work--the buyers can't afford the flowers if we would charge them of the labor.

it was fun after all and i am grateful that maam Sagmit did not hold class in Insurance otherwise i am in danger of another crap recitation. next year will be a lot better: only the arranging and wrapping of the flowers on Valentines day because the cutting of plastics and the making of ribbons should be done a week before it.

thanks to Vickie, Joe, Faith, Annie, Jad, Globel, Eloi, Jessie and above all to God.
wonderful AdDLAW family.