Tuesday, February 22, 2011

passion in poverty

every morning oh Lord
seek my heart and take away every impurity therein
keep me holy before Your eyes
because i cannot afford to be separated from You

let my tongue confess of my sins
and rejoice of Your forgiveness
to start afresh
depending fully on Your mercy and grace

i know i am weak
please empower me by Your spirit
that i will live this day
endeavoring to bring glory to Your name

hear my plea
lead me back to the cross
remind me that i was once lost
but You found me and gave me love,life and family

be the reason that I live
be the hanky when tears fill my eyes
be the song of my heart
be My first love

i am always busy
i miss sharing life to others
i neglect furthering Your kingdom
how i need wisdom for management
passion to share and connect

nothing is impossible
to You majestic King
speak now
make me rich in Your spirit

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