Monday, April 13, 2015

Good morning :-)

After reading my notes on Land Management, my world closed in where sleeping seems to be the answer.  Waking after 7 hours is already ideal but my head was still heavy and so I opted for an extension. My bad, I contemplated skipping office today to pamper my lazy mode. On the rescue, I heard Him say-- shake it off, climb out of bed now, let us talk, say hello to everyone, eat and take a bath.

I gathered my stuff and went with my parents to downtown. At the office, I took some time to get dressed then I go off for another ride bound to F Bldg. While calmly alighting the tricycle, I saw a familiar stature who was caught up on a phone conversation. Taking a few steps, another thing caught my eye, the driver wore a white jacket--- I waved for acknowledgment but I am not sure if it was obvious that I did it. On my way on the stairs, we caught up each other and I heard "GOOD MORNING" --- "good morning" I replied.

Now, I am fully awaken hahaha

Happy Tuesday to all--- Indeed, God is good :-)

Proverbs 6

:10 A little sleep, a little slumber,
A little folding of the hands to sleep—
11 So shall your poverty come on you like a prowler,
And your need like an armed man.

What He has in stored for us requires vigor :-)

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