Wednesday, April 22, 2015


There is no way that I would not get affected with the cases I am working on. I treat them as if I am the one who will get imprisoned, would be deprived of a property or begging justice in general. Reading voluminous records sucks out every drop of energy in my veins and my heart is crushed of the lies I perceived from which.

Discernment, that I want in taking a case though most of the time they were just forwarded to me where the initial acceptance is of my boss’ discretion, still I am vigilant in knowing if the truth is on my side because I cannot pour my heart out on something where lies dwell. If I were to fight for a cause, it has to be consistent with my Christian values.

Wisdom, that’s what I beg from God whenever I am drafting legal papers.

Consideration, that’s what I hope from the people surrounding me. Distractions are unwelcome when I think deep and I become somehow insensitive because my world closes in to what I do.

Prayer, that is what my beloved brothers and sisters in the Lord offer me with which I am always extra grateful about.

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