Tuesday, April 28, 2015

in the name of justice and truth

My heart is overwhelmed over this case recently referred to our office. It was handled by another lawyer which i think was good but whose efforts and sound legal arguments were left unheeded by the  trial court. This criminal proceeding ran for 15 years where I was only a high school student when it started and I hate to think about the torture it brought to the accused. They were convicted and the higher court affirmed it and denied the subsequent MR. And now, with hopes that we can do something about the case, they came to our office. My boss handed the thick files to me. One week was not enough to read them all and it is but an ambition to organize my thoughts as to how to present them well in a paper within the same period.

I admit that I am troubled now in looking for jurisprudence that will bridge the pleading to the Highest Courts attention without getting dismissed based on plain technicalities. If only, "in the name of justice and truth" would be enough for its accommodation then my mind could rest now.

My eyes are tired browsing one case after another to construct the outline/skeleton of the paper. In tears, i beg God to help me on this,. I just cannot stop or slow down knowing the gravity of the penalty and injustice it will do if not acted favorable by the Highest Court. It will be heartbreaking to send innocent people to jail and affect the future of their families.

May our righteous and just God  give me wisdom in making this paper accomplish His works of justice and truth. Above all, may He deliver these innocent accused from this false accusation and give them comfort while I prepare the paper. Tsk tsk kawawa talaga :-( Lord have mercy on them and on me.

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