Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The Tale of My False Love

Our first encounter did not make an impact
I was just annoyed, you were asking about a juice when it is water
You took notice of my dimples, making me uncomfortable

You started texting and a war started within
I wanted peace, I shoed you away but you insisted to stay
In every goodbye there is another hello, you justified

I prayed hard as to what to do with you
God spoke, you minister to him
However, in time, I cannot stop but to give in

I know the sound of your voice
My heart leaps when my phone rings
Yeah it’s you calling and I can’t stop smiling

Your hand perfectly fits mine
I traced your face with my fingertips
That looks stays on my mind even when I sleep

With you in mind, I believed in forever
There was no flaw in you that I could not overlook
Love was all filling my cup

Then the unexpected twist set in
I was not the woman you contemplated marrying
It was after all, wrong for you to have texted me first

It was a reality that could drown a person in loneliness
Thanks to God, what remained afloat were goodness and forgiveness
Friends came to give comfort, reminding me of His plans and promises

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