Wednesday, April 29, 2015

JC 101

April 29

... And to all the flock ...
Acts 20:28

Take heed to yourself first and then to the flock because if you’re in right relationship with the Lord, blessings will flow through you to the flock of your family, the Sunday school kids you teach, the people to whom you witness.

Towards the end of his life, David was surrounded by a group of men who are recorded as being men who killed giants (2 Samuel 21:15-22). Saul, on the other hand, who had been afraid of Goliath, was surrounded by men who never engaged in battle against a giant. Therein lies an extremely important principle as it relates to ministry: If I want those around me to be giant-killers, I must kill giants myself.

If you’re not worshipping or witnessing, chances are, your family, congregation, and friends won’t worship or witness because, as seen in the lives of David and Saul, what you are is what those around you will become.

I cannot stress too heavily the importance of a secret, personal devotional life. ‘Take heed to yourself and to the flock,’ wrote Paul — not because the priority is to be on self, but because a preparation of self will allow you to see those around you kill giants.


I am convinced that my life is meant to affect people and I desire that my lifestyle points to Christ's goodness and truth. Though I do not believe in special programs to win over people to Jesus, I still join activities where friendship develops and relationship grows. 

Another badminton schedule will not push through today but I hope Lace would be available for a bible study.

I met Lace during Dan's birthday. She is Jo Anne's classmate and presently assigned in the Finance Dept. of RPO12. Dan met Lace in the Instructor's Development Class.

Dan is leaving soon to pursue that Scout Ranger course, it is another see you later episode to a good friend and brother in the Lord. 

Modifying JC's writing, page 431 of his Commentary. 

When Talkn Text vs Rain or Shine play basketball, people in the stands go crazy. they lift their hands victoriously, clap exuberantly, and cheer wildly. They stand, yell and stomp their feet and they won'd care who sees them. People cry when they see Michael Jackson, they could stand the heat or cold just to see the queen pass by and a student will save all her allowances to watch One Direction's concert. Humanity creatively and radically worships with abandon. But when it comes to worshiping Jesus, arms fold, voices hush, and sitting becomes the position of choice. Our culture finds it very easy to worship sports, movie or rockstars but has great difficulty worshiping Jesus. 

Are you a fan or a follower of Jesus? the difference is the RELATIONSHIP found in being Christ's disciple/follower..

 I am back working on this Homicide case. Sir Joel came by bringing pizza--- oh no! extra calories. Sir! buong puso kong ilalaban itong kaso nato at kaawaan nawa tayo ni Lord na umiral ang katotohan at hustisya. Sana available na soon the documents I need for the paper. Hamakin ang dalwang dangkal pala na docs ay marami pang kulang. 

kaya namin to ni Lord! yeeha!

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