Tuesday, March 31, 2015


After reading my family's gift to me 10 years ago, Rick Warren's Purpose Driven Life, my mind got flooded with life-changing questions. I started asking what is life about, why I strive to have a better day than yesterday and what is God's will in my life and many other. Trying to know God's will is like searching a thousand acre land for a piece of gold coin if you do not know your maker. Who would care about the course He had set for us when we can maneuver the steering wheel on our own and get to what we perceived as best destinations. No one would disagree that finishing a college degree is good because it is one's passport to get a decent job. Employment gives security. Everybody would concur that we must live out the virtues we're taught of so that peace and harmony thrive in our homes, community and inner self.

Now the diploma hangs on the wall, a good pay regularly fills the pocket, a car is parked outside the fully furnished house and  friends and family members come to hang out plus a steady relationship leading to marriage--- present an ideal state for a single person. Then years gone by, being able to support the family for daily sustenance and leisure, can send the children to high-standard schools and has extra money to help those in need--- not bad at all. BUT, IS LIFE ALL ABOUT BEING HAPPY, CONTENT, STABLE AND SOMEWHAT PROBLEM-FREE?  There is nothing wrong with pursuing the best in life but if it is a pursuit where God has no place or is not the center thereof then it is empty. Where is God in your life? If He is outside of your plans, desires and convictions then your life leads nowhere. As written in Matthew 16:26, For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul? Living a life with Jesus not as its focal point is a wasted life. 

wait lang, di pa tapos hahaha nababaliw kasi ako sa poem ko :-)

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