Monday, March 16, 2015

I am forgiven but not perfect

It's almost a year now since I've been out of school and soaked in dealing with people where I have to admit that it was not as fair as I imagined it to be. There were several times that i get misunderstood and been misjudged. How i wish they could read my thoughts and my heart that I have no malice or any intention to offend or cause harm to anyone. It is in fact my utmost desire to establish strong and stable relationships with everyone I encounter.
When my eyebrows met or when I frown, could they not simply assume that I have migraine or I am in the middle of deep reading and not because I am ungrateful over something, I desire that everybody would be slow to judging and quick to forgiving. A single instance must not be a basis for making conclusions. The default appreciation of things should be good faith. We do not know what happened to the person minutes before you chanced each other that is why we have no reason to quickly pass judgment on them. No one is perfect, there could be days that we wake on the wrong on side of the bed or for girls, the hormonal imbalance drives their mood crazy or many various causes that we become not the most lovable persons.  It is true that we must not justify our off dispositions but human we are those were inevitable and it should make us realize that we are surrounded with people with those vulnerabilities too.
Knowing that we all share the same weaknesses, it would be fitting that we exert more patience and be forgiving at all times. We should not take records of others shortcomings unto us. Though it is natural to feel hurt when we encounter those hard moods but the same must not dictate us to be resentful. FORGIVENESS plays a big role in the way we interact. If we  forgive quickly and without reservations then the our next interaction with our "offender", it would be as if he never offended us or he has not exhibited an off attitude before. We ought to be understanding and we should endeavor to fully know the person. If the person is in fact a nice one then we should give room for chances that he will miss the mark :-) TAO LANG TAYO, TALAGANG NAGKAKAMALI LANG DIN.

Patience indeed is necessary to restrain us from responding negatively to an unwelcoming attitude. We could just let it pass us by. HOWEVER, it is a different story if the offense is deliberate and habitual. A person who finds delight in maligning others, who obviously lack tact and without regard of others feelings must be confronted that the same must be stopped and changed. The person still deserves forgiveness but it is not right that the wrongful attitude be continued. Honestly, I am extra aware that I am a tough person that though unintentional, I sound bossy when  i do queries "sometimes" but God knows that I really try my best to be gentle, sweet and kind at all times. I really hope that offsetting be considered hehe kumbaga mapagbigyan ang minsang kagaspangan ko sa lagi-an ko namang super nice pgakato hehe :-)

While we cannot stop others from judging us, we can choose to forgive them, understand them and not to commit the same mistake. All by God's grace we can do the extra mile :-)

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